Chapter 8 Flashcards
Travel insurance will terminate at the earliest of the following dates:
- the return date on the application, no later than the number of days shown in the application after the departure date shown on the application
- (annual plans) date the insured returns to the province of residence, which is 30 days after the departure date
While provincial plans may have reciprocal agreements, identify four costs that may not be covered under all plans
- ambulance charges
- family visitation
- repatriation
- return of vehicle
Identify five major sections usually found in a travel policy
- insuring agreement
- terms of insurance
- definitions
- policy coverages/limitations
- additional exclusions/limitations
define insured
insured applicant, their spouse, and any dependent children
define insured applicant
a canadian resident under the age of 65, insured under government health insurance plan who has been named on an invoice/application issued by a broker
define spouse
legal spouse of insured applicant, provided there is no legal separation, or an individual of the opposite sex who has been residing with the insured applicant for a period of at least one year.
dependent child or children means any natural child, stepchild, legally adopted child or legal ward of the insured applicant who is:
- 20 years old and under, unmarried, receiving full support and maintenance from insured
- <26 years old, unmarried, receiving full support and maintenance from the insured for reason of full time attendance at college/uni
- receiving full support and maintenance from the insured by reason of mental of physical infirmity
define accident
unforeseen and unintended occurrence due to external, violent, sudden, fortuitous causes beyond the insured’s control
define injury
bodily injury caused by an accident occurring while the insured is insured
define sickness
bodily sickness or disease, contracted and commencing after the policy is issued and while in effect
define supervised condition
a diagnosed medical condition, illness, or injury for which you require any diagnostic testing, investigation, or referral not yet complete, or for which the results are still not known that requires constant consistent treatment and is controlled with medication
How long must a supervised condition be controlled without change?
- 3 months preceding date of departure if under 60
- 6 months preceding date of departure if 60 or over
- if you have taken medication for a cardiac condition or related condition at any time within six months
define professional sport
any sport for which the insured is receiving any remuneration, including but not limited to sponsorship, endorsements, or other compensation
the insurer will reimburse the insured for the actual, reasonable and necessary expenses incurred during the policy for the following services:
- outpatient emergency services
- treatment by legally qualified physician or surgeon
- employment of registered nurse (when recommended by physician - maximum $5000)
- wheelchair rental/cane/casts/brace/splint/walker/crutches
- physiotherapy or chiropractic (max 3 treatments for any one trip and only when recommended)
- xrays and lab examinations
- oxygen
- whole blood, blood plasma, and blood products
- ambulance services
Expenses covered for emergency air transportation or unexpected return
- up to $10,000 per insured to return home for medical attention. (Also includes cost of additional seats to accommodate stretcher, cost of return airfare for medical attendant, and cost of one-way airfare for the spouse and/or dependent child to return home)
- cost of return economy airfare and hotel to a max of $1,500 per insured for any one spouse/dependent child to attend an insured who has been hospitalized outside the province more than 7 days and will have an extended stay
- cost (max $2000) per insured applicant to return any insured under age 19 home when accompanying parent is hospitalized and unable to attend to children
define extended family
dependent child, spouse, parent, guardian, brother, sister and grandparent of the insured applicant or spouse
trip cancellation for medical reasons
insurer will reimburse the insured for nonrefundable prepaid travel costs, prior to departure, when an insured has to cancel a trip due to:
- death of insured or extended family member occurring within 21 days of the scheduled departure
- injury/sickness of insured which prevents insured from starting trip
- unexpected subpoena to act as a witness in court, or sudden call to jury duty
6 exclusions generally found on travel policies
- pregnancy, miscarriage, child birth or any complications within 8 weeks of the expected termination date of pregnancy
- declared or undeclared war or any act thereof
- suicide or self-inflicted injury, whether sane or insane
- commission or attempt to commit a criminal act by insured
- expenses incurred as the result of alcohol related illness or disease, or the abuse of drugs/alcohol
- participation in professional sports