Chapter 8 Flashcards
Control relocation
Move controls towards customer.
Disadvantage: higher probability of fraud.
This will improve the quality, however to increase the costs.
Contract reduction
reduce the number of contacts with customer and third parties,
Disadvantage: Loss of essential information.
This will decrease the time and quality, however will increase the costs.
Integration with a business process of the customer or a supplier
Disadvantage: mutual dependence grows and therefore, flexibility decreases
This will improve the time and lower the costs, however decreases the flexibility
Case Types
Determine whether activities are related to the same type of cases, if necessary distinguish new business processes.
This will lower the time and costs, however will decreases the quality and flexibility
Activity elimination
Eliminate unnecessary activities from a business process (activity that does not add value from a customer’s point of view)
This will lower the time and costs, however decreases the quality
Case-based work
Consider removing batch-processing and periodic activities from a business process. E.g. case is slowed down by periodic activities (depends on computer system)
This will decrease the time, and increase the cost
Consider the division of a general activity into two or more alternative activities.
An alternative form of the triage heuristic is to divide an activity into similar instead of alternative activities for different subcategories of the cases being processed.
This will increase the cost, and decreases flexibility and increase the quality
Activitiy Composition
Combine small activities into composite activities and divide large activiites into workable smaller activities
Time: +
Cost: +
Flexibility: -
Move activities to a more appropriate places.
Time: +
Cost: +
Consider whether activities may be executed in parallel
Time: +
Cost: -
Flexibility: -
Order knock-outs in an increasing order of effort and decreasing order of termination probabilty
knok-out: Termination of a part of the business due to a condition that is not met
Time: -
Cost: +
Design business processes for typical cases and isolate exceptional cases from the normal flow
Time: +
Cost: -
Quality: +
Case Assignment
Let workers perform as many steps as possible for single cases.
For each activity execution the participant is selected who has worked on the case before.
Quality: +
Flexibility: -
Flexible assignment
Assign work in such a way that maximal flexibility is preserved for the near future.
Assign most specialized person to activity, likelihood to commit free resource to another work package is maximal.
Time: +
Cost: -
Flexibility: +
Treat geographically dispersed resources as if they are centralized
Time: +
Cost: -
Flexibility: +