Chapter 8 Flashcards
A closed, abnormally developed sac that contains fluid,pus,semifluid, or morbid matter,above or below the skin
Any flat spot or discoloration on the skin, such as a freckle or a red spot, left after a pimple has healed
A raised, inflamed, papule with a white or yellow center containing pus in the top of the lesion referred to as the head of a pimple
An abnormal mass varying in size ,shape, and color. Tumors are sometimes associated with cancer, but the term tumor can mean any sort of abnormal mass
A skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping
A crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis. Ex. Severely cracked and/or chapped hands or lips
A thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue
Any thin dry or oily plate of epidermal flakes. Ex. Abnormal or excessive dandruff.
Closed comedo
Also known as white head , and appears as a small bump just under the skin surface
Chronic condition that appears primarily on the cheeks and nose
Excessive sweating,caused by heat or general body weakness
Inflammatory uncomfortable and often chronic disease of the skin characterized by moderate to severe inflammation scaling and sometimes severe itching. There are several different types
Herpes simplex
A recurring viral infection that often presents as a fever blister or cold sore. Characterized by the eruption of a single vesicle or group of vesicles on a red swollen base
A skin disease characterized by red patches covered with silver white scales and is usually found on the scalp elbows knees chest and lower back
Abnormal colorations accompany skin disorders and many systematic disorders
Congenital hypopigmentation or absence of melanin pigment in the body including the skin hair and eyes
Also known as liver spots, a condition characterized by hyperpigmentation on the skin in spots that are not elevated
A skin disorder characterized by light abnormal patches. I’m is caused by a burn or congenital disease that destroys the pigment producing cells
Also known as a birthmark. Small or large malformation of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or dilated capillaries
A callus
Small brownish spot or blemish on the skin ranging in color from pale to tan to brown or bluish black
Also know as a wart. A hypertrophy of the papillae and epidermis
Malignant melanoma
Often characterized by black or dark brown patches on the skin that may appear uneven in texture jagged or raised
Approximately 80-85 percent of the symptoms of aging skin are caused by the rays of the sun.
As we age the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin naturally weaken. This weakening happens at a much faster rate when the skin is frequently exposed to it light without proper protection
UVB rays
Shorter rays that stop penetration at the base of the epidermis
Exposing children younger than 6 months of age to the sun
Contact dermatitis
An inflammation of the skin caused by having contact with certain chemicals or substances.
Taking the time to keep your implements tools equipment and surfaces clean and disinfected is an important step in
Protection yourself and avoiding a skin problem