Chapter 8 Flashcards
the movement that began in the late 1800s and has had the most pervasive and long-lived effect on modern theatre. It has sought to create a drama without conventions or abstractions. Likeness to life is its goal.
Henrik Ibsen
- Pioneers of realism
Norwegian playwright – a Doll’s house, ghosts, and enemy of the people, peer gynt – father of dramatic realism – father of the modern theatre
ii. George Bernard shaw
comedic realism
Antoine Checkov
Russian) realism stylistic peak
- On par with Shakespeare
- Collaborated with stanilovski
- Wrote cherry ochard
- Created complicated relationship, developed plots and themes and subtexts (between the line)
Naturalism - far realism
Russian) realism stylistic peak
- On par with Shakespeare
- Collaborated with stanilovski
- Wrote cherry ochard
- Created complicated relationship, developed plots and themes and subtexts (between the line)
Eugene O’Neill
America’s first great playwright
- 1. Autobiographical “ long days journey into night”
- the symbolist rebellion
- the era of isms
- stylized theatre
- The French avant-garde – ubu roi
a. Those theatre artists who abandon conventional models and create works that are in the forefront of new theatrical movements and styles
expressionism - the hairy ape
a. An artistic style that greatly exaggerates ercieved reality in order to express inner truths directly. Popular mainly in Germany between the world wars expressionsm in the theatre is notable for its gutsy dialogue, piercing sounds, bright llighting and coloring, bold scenery and shocking vivid imagery.
meta theatre
beyond theatre
e. 20th century playwright – meta theatre
i. 6 character’s in search for an author
1. Pirandello
Theatre of Cruelty
a. Started in paris
b. Antonin Artaud in paris
i. Influence is more in his ideas rather than production
ii. Goal was to employ language for its sounds more than for its meaning and create shocking scream of sensation rather than coherent plots and casts of characters
iii. Theories – influential
- Theatre of the Absurd or Absurdism
a. Samuel Beckett waiting for Goddo
b. Notion is that the world is meaningless. Human beings has an unquenchable desire to understand but the world is eternally unknowable. Great conflict that we so desperately want to understand and know and yet will never know
theatre of alienation
a. Theatre technique by german playwright – Bertolt Brecht
b. Where actor deliberately presents rather than represents the character
c. He wanted audience to be alienated – distance between themselves and plays
d. Very political wanted people to think, make a sound decision what you thought was right or wrong
comedy of temporary manners
a. Niel simons – looking how people are behaving at each other
Political satire
a. Incredibly socially conscious
b. Caustic and entertaining
c. Poking fun at politics and giving us an entertaining view.
d. Caryl Churchill – political satirist english