Chapter 8 Flashcards
Minimum runway width
Minimum taxiway width
When a taxiway smaller than 15m can be used?
- With a marshaller or
- When company procedures allow so or
- When NPFO authorizes it
Minimum Resque and Fire Fighting Service (RFFS) category
Required 6
Minimum acceptable 5
Categorization of aerodromes
Basic Aerodromes
Planning Aerodromes
Operational Aerodromes
Departure Aerodrome requirements
- Takeoff Performance Requirements
- Landing Performance Requirements (or planning for takeoff alternate)
Missed approach is static check by back office
Destination Aerodrome requirements
- Landing Performance
- Missed Approach Climb Gradient Performance
Takeoff performance is static check in back office
Takeoff Alternate Requirements
- Landing Performance
- Located within an hour OEI (370NM)
Missed approach climb gradient and takeoff performance are static checked in back office
En-Route Alternate aerodrome requirements (ERA)
Takeoff, landing and missed approach climb gradient are static checked by back office
Fuel En-Route Alternate aerodrome requirements (Fuel ERA)
- Landing performance
- Missed approach climb gradient
Takeoff is static checked
Fuel ERA aerodrome 3%, distances from flight path
The fuel en-route alternate (fuel ERA) aerodrome shall be located within a circle with a radius equal
to 20 % of the total flight plan distance. The centre of the circle (reference point) lies on the planned
route at a distance from the destination aerodrome equal to 25 % of the total flight plan distance, or at
least 20% of the total flight plan distance plus 50 NM, whichever is greater. All distances shall be
calculated in still air conditions.
Destination Alternate aerodrome requirements
- Landing performance
- Missed Approach Climb Gradient Performance
Takeoff performance is static checked by back office
Two destination alternate aerodromes must be selected when…
- the destination aerodrome is below minimum, or
- the RWYCC at destination is below 5 (EN), or
- no meteorological information is available.
Visual Approach Minima
Minimum RVR 800m
Dispatch weather minima table in OM…
Runway Condition Assessment Matrix in OM…
Can a RWYCC lower than 5 be accepted?
In some instances aerodrome operators may report a DAMP/WET runway with an RWYCC lower than 5. Such situation can be accepted if the indicated RWYCC is 3 or higher. In such circumstance, calculate take-off performance using “SLIPPERY WET” condition/software selection.
Standard weight values
Effect of downgraded equipment on landing minima
The oxygen dispensing units must exceed the number of available seatings by..
Each member of the flight crew on flight deck duty and each cabin crew member composing the
minimum cabin crew shall be supplied with supplemental oxygen:
- Continuously whenever cabin altitude exceeds 13,000ft
- When cabin altitude is between 10,000ft and 13,000ft only after the first 30 min at these altitudes.
- In any case no less than 2 hours for airplanes certified for altitudes above 25.000ft (flight deck only)
As an additional safety measure and as a partial correction to the second dash above, flight crew
members on flight deck duty shall breathe oxygen whenever cabin pressure altitude exceeds
Oxygen Minimum Supply for 100% of passengers
Entire flight time when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 15,000 ft but in no case less than 10 min.
The required minimum supply is that quantity of oxygen necessary for a constant rate of descent from the airplane’s maximum certificated operating altitude to 15,000ft in 10 minutes.
Oxygen Minimum Supply for 30% of passengers
Entire flight time when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 14,000ft but does not exceed 15,000ft
Oxygen Minimum Supply for 10% of passengers
Entire flight time when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 10,000ft but does not exceed 14,000ft after the first 30 min at these altitudes.
When a Visual Approach can be executed?
A request or acceptance for a visual approach is permitted only when the instrument approach procedure
must be discontinued while the prosecution of a visual approach would consent a safe landing.
Radar Separation Minima
The following table applies to approach and departure phases of flight, when:
- An aircraft is operating directly behind another aircraft at the same altitude or less than 1000ft below, or
- Departing from the same RWY or from parallel RWYs less than 760m/2500ft apart, or
- An aircraft is crossing behind another aircraft at the same altitude or less than 300m/1000ft below.
J -> M: 7NM
H -> M: 5NM
M -> M: 3NM
During HIRO, when established on final, separation between M and M can be reduced to 2.5NM
7 lights at 15m distance = 90m, which is 125m from the cockpit to the latest light on the ground (slant).
No less than 300mt
When a runway is considered contaminated?
When one or more of its thirds are covered by more than 25% by a contaminat.
Water must be 3mm or more to be considered contaminant.
Type A approach DH
At or above 250ft
Type B Approach DH
Below 250ft
The Calculated Take-Off Time
Often referred to as “Slot” is issued by the NMOC and has a window of -5 to +10 minutes. CTOTs are mostly regulations due to airspace or destination airport capacity constraints (ATC Staff, Weather etc). A CTOT can be extended through FOC at non-CDM airports if the request is sent in the 20 minute window before COBT (Calculated Off-Block Time = CTOT-Taxi - Time).
The Target Off-Block Time
is the time at which the aircraft is forecasted to be “ready”. For practical understanding at A-CDM airports the TOBT can be considered the Estimated Off- Block Time (EOBT). Generally, at A-CDM airports the respective handling firm is nominated to exercise TOBT-authority for our flights. Therefore, the TOBT must be coordinated with the handling agent (ramp agent). At most A-CDM airports the TOBT can be changed freely (with at least 5 min difference from the previous), but as soon as a TSAT (CTOT) has been issued it may only be changed three times.
At many airports electronic displays will show the current TOBT (and TSAT if issued) and a countdown. When not available, at some German airports a TSAT/TOBT SMS-service can be subscribed to.
The Target Start-up Approval Time
can be issued at an A-CDM airport by the airport operator to coordinate the start-up sequence and to support a coordinated off-block process. A TSAT can be issued to sequence for capacity constraints at the departure airport or is automatically issued if a CTOT has been issued by the NMOC. Start-Up can be requested within TSAT +/- 5 min, pushback must then be requested no later than 5 min after start-up was given (Request for Taxi on Roll-Out Positions TSAT -5 to +10 min).