Chapter 8 Flashcards
What are the relevant accounting standards?
IAS 12 income taxes
IAS 17 leases
IAS 37 provisions, contingent assets, contingent liabilities
IAS 10 events after reporting period
IFRS 15 revenue from contracts with customers
What is current tax?
Amount of tax payable or recoverable in respect of profit or loss in the period
How to include tax in the accounting records?
DR tax (SPLOCI) CR tax liability (SOFP)
What will the current tax year comprise of?
A current year tax charge and an adjustment in respect of the previous period.
What is deferred tax?
Not an actual tax. It is a way of applying accruals concept to accounting for current tax. It arises due to temporary differences.
What is a lease?
A contract that conveys the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration (cash)
What is a lessee?
The person who leases FROM someone else
Who is the lessor?
The person who leases the asset out TO someone else
What is the lease term?
The non cancel label period for which the lessee has the right to use an asset
What is fair value?
The amount for which an asset could be exchanged (or a liability settled), between knowledgable, willing parties in an arms-length transaction
(Be the same as purchase price in exam)
What is the interest rate implicit in the lease?
The interest charge that takes account of the time value of money.
What is the incremental borrowing rate?
The interest rate that a lessee would have to pay to borrow over a similar term the funds necessary to obtain an asset of similar value to the right of use asset in a similar economic environment.
What is depreciation?
The asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and the useful life of the asset
What recognition of leases does IFRS 16 require?
ALL LEASES except short term leases and leases where the asset is of low value.
How do you know if right to control is present?
Present if the entity has the right to:
Obtain substantially all economic benefits from the use of the asset within the parameters of the lease
Direct the use of the asset
What must be in the contract for it to be identified as a Lease?
Right to control (who has it)
Identified asset ( what is the lease for?)
Period of time
Why must the asset be identified in order to be a lease?
Because the customer does not have the right to use the asset if the supplier has substantive rights to substitute the asset through the period of use
How to recognise a lease at the beginning of the contract?
DR ROU asset
CR lease liability
How to account for depreciation of an asset?
DR Depreciation (SOFP) CR ROU (accum. Depreciation) (SOFP)
What should the depreciation period be?
IF OWNERSHIP TRANSFERS AT END OF LEASE TERM: the useful life of the asset
IF NO TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: the shorter of the lease term and the useful life of the asset