Chapter 8-10 Flashcards
absolute threshold
The smallest amount of sitmulation that can be detected by an organism
adequate stimulation
Stimulation to which a sense modality is maximally sensitive
Bell, Charles (1774-1842)
Discovered, in modern times, the distinction between sensory and motor nerves.
Bell-Magendie law
There are two types of nerves: sensory nerves carrying impulses from the sense receptors to the brain and motor nerves carrying impulses from the brain to the muscles and glands of the body.
Broca’s area
The speech area on the left frontal lobe side of the cortex (the inferior frontal gyrus).
Broca, Paul (1824-1880)
Found evidence that part of the left frontal lobe of the cortex is specialized for speech production or articulation.
clinical method
The technique that Broca used. It involves first determining a behavior disorder in a living patient and then, after the patient had died, locating the part of the brain responsible for the behavior disorder.
differential threshold
The amount that stimulation needs to change before a difference in that stimulation can be detected.
doctrine of specific nerve energies
Each sensory nerve, no matter how it is stimulated, releases an energy specific to that nerve.
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil (1818-1896)
Is considered the father of electrophysiology. Like Helmholts he measure the speed of nerve impulse. He also discovered the electrical nature of the action potential.
Fechner, Gustave Theodor (1801-1887)
Expanded Weber’s law by showing that, for just noticeable differences to vary arithmetically, the magnitude of a stimulus must vary geometrically.
Ferrier, David (1843-1928)
Created a more detailed map of the motor cortex ahdn Fritsch and Hitzig had. He also mapped cortical areas corresponding to the cutaneous senses, audition, olfaction, and vision.
Flourens, Pierre (1794-1867)
Concluded that the cortical region of the brain acts as a whole and is not divided into a number of faculties, as the phrenologists had maintained.
formal discipline
The belief that the faculties of the mind can be strengthened by practicing the functions associated with them. Thus, one supposedly can become better at reasoning by studying mathematics or logic.
Fritsch, Gustav
along with Hitzig, discovered motor areas on the cortex by directly stimulating the exposed cortex of a dog.
Gall, Franz Joseph (1758-1828)
Believed that the strengths of mental faculties varied from person to person and that they could be determined by examining the bumps and depressions on a person’s skull. Such an examination came to be called phrenology.
Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821-1894)
a monumental figure in the history of science who did pioneer work in the areas of nerve condution, sensation, perception, color vision, and audition
Hering, Ewald (1834-1918)
offered a nativistic explanation of space perception and a theory of color vision based on the existence of three color receptors, each capable of a catabolis process and an anabolic process. Hering’s theory of color vision could explain a number of color experiences that Helmholtz’s theory could not.