Chapter 7 - Vitamins (Day 1 - 11.5.15) Flashcards
vitamin (defined)
“essential” nutrients; organic compounds; needed in small amounts
water-soluble vitamins
vitamins B and C
fat-soluble vitamins
vitamins A, D, E, and K
solubility of vitamins determines how they are… (4 actions)
absorbed, transported, excreted, and stored in the body
where are vitamins found?
in ALL food groups, including oils
which food groups lack B12?
grains, fruits, and vegetables
which food groups lack vitamin C?
grains, dairy, and protein
what is another source of vitamins?
vitamin fortification
examples of government mandated vitamin fortification
B vitamins and iron added to grains; vitamin D added to milk
why fortify foods?
prevent nutrient deficiencies and promote health
concern with voluntary fortification (not government mandated)
risk for exceeding ULs –> adverse health effects and nutrient toxicities
what can cause nutrient losses in foods when they are processed, prepared, and stored? (7 variables)
heat, light, oxygen, passage of time, food processing, cooking, storage
fresh vs canned vs frozen
fresh- less nutrients b/c travels in trucks, in stores, on shelves, then sits in fridge
canned- high temps used in canning reduce nutrient content, but are cheaper and last longer
frozen- often frozen in the field to minimize nutrient loss –> may supply more vitamins than fresh
what helps release vitamins from food ( 2 actions)
mechanical digestion in the mouth (“chewing”), and chemical digestion in the stomach (some) but more in the small intestine (pancreatic digestion enzymes)
where does vitamin absorption occur?
mainly in the small intestine, but a small amount of niacin is absorbed in the stomach
how do some water-soluble vitamins get absorbed? (2 ways)
transport system (energy needed) OR they bind to a specific molecule
what happens after water soluble vitamins are absorbed?
they are able to go directly into the bloodstream with most being bound to blood proteins for transport to the cell
a particle that is formed in the small intestine when the products of fat digestion are surrounded by bile
composition of micelle
free fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, and fat-soluble vitamins surrounded by bile
purpose of micelle
facilitates the absorption of fats and fat soluble vitamins
a lipoprotein comprised id newly reassembled TGs, cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins that are packaged with phospholipids and protein
purpose of chylomicrons
transport fats and fat soluble vitamins out of mucosal cells
how do chylomicrons leave the mucosal cells? why this route?
leave via the lymph –> blood stream –> deliver TGs to cells in the body b/c too big
large intestine
bacteria can make a small amount of some vitamins, some of which are absorbed
extent to which the body can absorb and use a nutrient
vitamin bioavailability is influenced by the following (3 variables)
composition of the diet, condition of the GI tract, overall health of the body