Chapter 7 Study Guide Flashcards
What are the 5 racial groups that the US Census Bureau recognizes?
1) White
2) Black
3) Hispanic
4) Asian
5) American Indian
A recognizable group of people who suffer disadvantages due to prejudice or discrimination are called__________.
Minority Groups
Define Race
Based on observable physical differences among people resulting from inherited biological traits.
Define Ethnic Group
Based on cultural factors as national origin, religion, language, norms, and values.
And history, repression of minorities by the dominant group has taken on four forms which are?
1) Forced Removal
2) Segregation
3) Subjugation
4) Annihilation
Give an example of forced removal
The trail of tears removal of the Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma.
Give an example of segregation in US history.
Earlier laws in the south that Blacks and whites from attending the same school.
Minority groups have responded to negative treatment in three ways which are?
1) Submission of Acceptance
2) Withdrawal
3) Agitation and Violence
Define Prejudice
Negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority; attitude
Define discrimination
Is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to people based on their group membership; action
Define scapegoating
Placing the blame for troubles on an innocent individual or group
Define Ethnocentrism
Believe in the superiority of one’s own culture group.
What are the four main minority groups in the United States?
1) African-Americans
2) Latinos
3) Asians
4) Native Americans
Which minority group is the largest in number in the US?
What are the three largest Latino groups in the US?
1) Mexican
2) Puerto Ricans
3) Cubans
What are the two largest Asian American groups?
1) Chinese
2) Japanese
What are some disadvantages Native Americans experience?
1) About 14% are unemployed
2) About 32% live below the poverty line
3) Less than 10% have graduated college
4) Suicide rate is two times as high as in general population
5) About one third of Native American deaths are alcohol related