Chapter 7 - Scheme Design - Specific Features Flashcards
What are the main features of scheme design?
Eligibility; NRA; Benefits at NRA; Death benefits; Pension increases; Withdrawal; Ill health; Contracting out.
What balance needs to be struck by eligibility criteria?
A balance between criteria:
- so wide they can expose the scheme to disproportionate administration costs associated with high numbers of early leavers;
- so restrictive that they do not meet the wider objectives of the employer.
List four typical conditions for entry.
Minimum service;
Minimum age;
Maximum age;
Permanent or temporary employment status.
Why do most employers now have minimal eligibility criteria?
To avoid the need to provide stakeholder schemes for non eligible employees and to meet the auto-enrolment requirements.
What are the auto-enrolment eligibility criteria?
All job holders aged between 22 and SPA who earn over £9,440 p.a. must be automatically enrolled into a qualifying scheme.
Why are minimum service periods common?
To avoid the costs associated with early leavers.
What do minimum/maximum ages achieve?
Minimum - consistent with scheme’s target retirement benefit and to avoid early leaver costs;
Maximum - prevents older employees joining purely to take advantage of death / ill=health benefits.
Employment law says scheme entry cannot discriminate between who?
Males and females;
Part time and full time employees;
Ages (with exceptions).
When did age discrimination legislation come into force?
1 December 2006, applying to occupational pension schemes and employer contributions to personal pensions.
What exceptions exist to age discrimination legislation?
New (younger) employees can be offered a different pension arrangement to older employees;
Age based contributions are allowed if they aim to produce equal benefits overall;
Minimum and maximum age limits can apply if they can be ‘objectively justified’.
If age discrimination exists what options does the employer have?
Retain the rule and ‘objectively justify’ it;
Amend the rule;
Remove the rule.
What is objective justification?
The rules pursues a legitimate aim and is a proportionate means of pursuing that aim.
What are examples of legitimate aims?
Business needs, efficiency, reducing staff turnover, providing promotion opportunities to retain quality staff.
What factors may be considered when setting the NRA?
SPA; Employee contracts; Other company terms; Type of employment; Type of member; Manpower planning; Employee aims; Time to build up adequate provision; Period of payment.
What restrictions are placed on the NRA?
Can not differ for males and females;
Can not compel employees to retire at a predetermined age;
Minimum retirement age is 55 (with exceptions);
There are rules on how a pension must be provided after age 75.
How are benefits from a DB scheme usually expressed?
Accrual x Pensionable Service x Final Pensionable Earnings.
What is a common accrual rate and why?
60ths as it targets a pension of 2/3rds of FPE over a 40 year career (the maximum under the old regime).
What factors need to be considered when determining PE?
Whether to include fluctuating elements of pay;
Whether to include benefits in kind;
What time period to use;
What averaging period to use;
Whether to restrict PE in some way;
Whether to incorporate deductibles e.g. to allow for the BSP.