Chapter-7 Prisons Flashcards
The auburn prison system
Allowed inmates to work together during the day under strict silence. At night prisoners were isolated in small sleeping cells. With time sleeping cells became congregate and restrictions against talking were removed.
-second historical phase of prison
- earliest for of large scale in carceration
- punished criminals by seperating them so they could reflect on their misdeeds, repent, and reform.
- 1790-1825
Mass prison era
Congregate labor and living spaces without silence and contract prison labor
Reformatory era
Indeterminat sentence parole. It was said that education and science were vehicles for controlling crime.
Industrial era
Inmates worked in prison Industries.
Public accounts system
The warden was responsible for purchasing materials and equipment and for over seeing the manufacture,marketing,and sale of prisonmade items.
Contract system
The prison advertised for bids for the employment of prisoners whose labor was sold to the highest bidder
Convict lease system
Prison temporarily relinquishes prisoners to a lessee. The lessee either employed the prisoner within the institution or transported them to work elsewhere within the state.
State use system
Employs prisoners to manufacture products consumed by state governments and their agencies, departments, and institutions
Public work system
Prisoners were employed in the construction of public buildings, roads and parks
Punitive era
The closing of prison industries ended and they emphasized strict punishment and custody.
-alcatraz opened in this era
Treatment era
This emerged in response to prison riots across the usa. After ww2 the prison population exploded. They used reform through classification, therapy, and increased use of the indeterminate sentence was focused on the medical model
Medical model
A philosophy in prisoner reform in which criminal behavior is regarded as a disease to be treated with appropriate therapy
The pennsylvania prison system
Emerged in the usa at the turn of the 19th century.
- Isolated prisoners from eachother to avoid harmful influences and to give prisoners reflection time so they can repent.
- first historical phase of prison
Community based era
Shelters for released inmates in new york- isaac t hopper home
Then church groups founded more halfway houses
Warehouse era
Raegon formed “war on drugs” and 3 strikes youre out rule began. Within 15 years the number of oeople under correctional supervision jumped from 1.8 million to almost 6 million.
Just deserts era
Offenders are punished because they deserve it.
Blacks are incarcerated at nearly 6 times the rate of whites.
Hispanics nearly double whites.
18-34 has decreased 47 percent today.
Most sserious offenses
53- violent offenses
18 percent - prperty offenses
17 - drug offenses
11- public order offenses
The process of subdividing the inmate population into meaningful categories to match offender needs with correctional resources
External classification
Interinstitutional placement of an inmate that determines an inmates security level
Internal classification
Intrainstitutional placement that determines through review of an inmates background assignment to housing units or cell blocks work and programming based on the inmates risks needs and time to serve.
Unit management system
Method of controlling inmates in self contained living ares and making inmates and staff accessible to eachother.
Work assignments
Meaningful work programs are the most powerful tool prison administrators have in managing crowding and idleness, which can lead to disorder and conduct
Operational assignments
In operational assignments inmate perform task necessary to functioning of the facility or larger corrections systems
Community projects
Correctional institutions allow inmates to gain work experience through these. This benifits the community while the inmates gain experience jn a nonprison facility.
State prison industry and the prison industry enhancement certification program (piecp)
Allows inmates to work for private employer in the free world occupation and ear prevailing wages.
Federal prison industries (fpi)
A federal paid inmate work program and self supporting corporation.
The trade name of federal prison industries. Provides such programs us military uniforms, electronic cable assemblies and modular furniture.
Priciple of least eligibility
The requirement that prison conditions- including the delivery of health care- must be a step below those of the working class and people on welfare
Operational capacity
The number of inmates that a facilitys staff, existing programs, and services can accommodate
Design capacity
The number of inmates that planners or architects intend for the facility
Justice reinvestment
The practice of reducing spending on prisons and investing a portion of the savings into infrastructure and civic institutions located in high-risk neighborhoods
Maximum or close/high security prison
Design,organized and staffed to confine the most dangerous offenders for long periods. It has a highly secured perimeter, barred cells, and high staff to inmate ratio. It imposes strict control on the movement of inmates and visitors and it offers few programs, amenities and priveledges
Medium security prison
Confines offenders that are considered leas dangerous than those in maximum security, for short and long time periods. Has fewer control on inmates and visitors freedom of movement unlike the maximum security. It too has barred cells and fortified perimeters the staff to inmate ration is generally lower. And the level of amenities and priveledges is slightly higher.
Minimum security prisons
Confines the least dangerous offenders for short and long time periods. It allows as much freedom of movement and priveledges and amenities and the facility goals approve. It may have dormitory housing and the staff to inmate ration is relatively low.
Open institutions
A minimum security facility that has no fences or walls surrounding it.