Chapter 7: Nephrology: Topic 1- Renal Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
Name the 3 stages of embryonic kidney development and indicate which stage will form the definitive human kidney
- Pronephros- disappears
- Mesonephros –> BC, glomerulus, mesonephric duct
- Metanephros –> kidneys
When the mesonephric kidney degenerates, what does the cranial end of the mesonephric duct form in males?
under the influence of testosterone, it forms the ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct and seminal gland
What structure begins the formation of the definitive human kidney?
The ureteric bud, –> collecting system
Where does the definitive human kidney initially develop?
in the pelvis
The embryonic origin of the bladder and urethra is
urogenital sinus
Name 3 malformations evident in a stillborn infant that succumbed from bilateral frenal agenesis (Potter sequence)
oligohydramnios –> craniofacial anomalies, pulmonary hypoplasia, clubbed feet
What vessel blocks the ascent of a horseshow kidney?
inferior mesenteric artery
In a newborn with a patent urachus, there will be abnormal drainage of urine from
the umbilicus, via a fistula
the 3 main anatomic regions of the kidney are
cortex, medulla, hilum
Which nephrons have short loops of Henle and which nephrons have long ones?
Outer cortex, short ones: cortical nephrons
Inner cortex, long ones: juxtamedullary nephrons
Name the 3 structures, in order, through which urine will pass to reach the ureter, beginning at the apex of a renal pyramid.
minor calyx
major calyx
renal pelvis
If potter sequence develops from renal agenesis, what features are seen?
oligohydramnios–> club feet, pulmonary hypoplasia, craniofacial: flat noes, recessed chin
Failure of the allantois to obliterate embryologically can cause what problem?
Patent urachus–> leak urine via umbilicus
Name and briefly describe the 4 basic renal processes
filtration- water/ solute from G. capillary –> Bowman’s space
Reabsorption- solute/ water from lumen –> peritubular capillaries
excretion- water/ solute loss in the urine
About __ of the body mass is water and its distribution is ___ extracellular and ___ intracellular