Neonate age
0-1 month
infant age
1 month - 1 year
toddler age
1-3 years
preschool age
3-6 years
school age
6-12 years
12-18 years
early adult
19-40 years
middle adult
41- 60 years
older adult
61 years +
pulse rate 100-180
Respirations 30-60
systolic bp 50-70
temp 98-100°F
Pulse rate 100-160
Respirations 25-50
Systolic BP 70-95
Temp 96.8-99.6°F
Pulse rate 90-150
Respirations 20-30
Systolic BP 80-100
Temp 96.8-99.6°F
Pulse rate 80-140
Respirations 20-25
Systolic BP 80-100
Temp 98.6°F
preschool age
Pulse rate 70-120
Respirations 15-20
Systolic BP 80-110
Temp 98.6°F
school age
Pulse rate 60-100
Respirations 12-20
Systolic BP 90-110
Temp 98.6°F
Pulse rate 60-100
Respirations 12-20
Systolic BP 90-130
Temp 98.6°F
Early adult
Pulse rate 60-100
Respirations 12-20
Systolic BP 90-130
Temp 98.6°F
Middle Adult
Pulse rate 60-100
Respirations 12-20
Systolic BP 90-130
Temp 98.6°F
older adult
At what age can babies recognize familiar faces; uses eyes to track objects and people
2 months
At what age can babies bring objects to the mouth; smiles and frowns
3 months
At what age can babies reach arms out to people; drools
4 months
At what age can babies sleep throughout the night; distinguishes family members from strangers
5 months
At what age can babies begin to teeth; sit upright; speaks one-syllable words
6 months
At what age are babies scared of strangers; display mood swings
7 months
At what age can babies respond to “no”; can sit alone; play peek-a-boo
8 months
At what age can babies pull self up to stand; explores objects by placing them in his or her mouth
9 months
At what age can babies respond to his or her name; crawls efficiently
10 months
At what age can babies begin to walk without assistance; becomes frustrated by restrictions
11 months
At what age does a baby know his or her name; walks
12 months
How much does a neonate weigh?
6-8 pounds
The head accounts for much % of body weight in a neonate?
During the first week of a neonates life, how much body weight decreases due to fluid loss?
After the 2nd week of a neonates life, how much weight do they gain per day?
1 ounce
A neonate _______ their weight by 4-6 months and _______ it by the end of the first year.
doubles; tripling
Prior to birth, fetal blood supply comes from the mother via the ________.
Hormones and pressure changes transition the neonate from __________ to ___________.
fetal circulation; independent circulation
According to the CDC, what is the leading cause of death for a neonate and an infant?
congenital abnormalities
Neonates are _______ breathers.
infants younger than _____ month old are partially suseptible to nasal congestion.
Why is airway obstruction more common in infants than older children and adults?
shorter/narrower airway and larger tounge in proportion to the oral cavity
Why is it important for the EMT to preserve an infants airway patency through proper position?
Infants have an oversized occiput, flexibility of trachea, and absent ability to reposition itself
The rib cage of an infant is less rigid the ribs sit horizontally thus explaining………
diaphragamatic breathing (belly breathing)
Forceful ventilations and overinflation increase pressure in the lungs and can result in pressure induced trauma called…….
Infants struggling to breathe can tire quickly and become ________&_______.
overheated and dehydrated
Neonates are caught offguard and startled, at which they open their arms wide, spread their fingers, and appear to be grabbing for something.
Moro reflex
Occurs when object is placed into neonates palm and it closes its hand around it
Palmar grasp reflex
Occurs when something touches the neonates cheek and it turns to the direction of the touch
rooting reflex
Breastfeeding mother strokes her baby’s lips with her nipple prompting the child to latch on.
sucking reflex
The gaps between the cranium bones that are connected by flexible fibrous tissue. It allows the newborn child’s head to pass through the birth canal.