Chapter 7: Itemized Deductions Flashcards
itemized deductions
- reported on Schedule A
Itemized Deductions Include the following:
- medical expenses
- taxes
- interest
- charitable contributions
- casualty losses
- misc. itemized deductions
itemized deductions:
(Medical Expenses)
expenditures for:
- diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease affecting any structure or function of the body
itemized deductions:
(medical expenses: deductible vs nondeductible)
insert chart
medical expense deductions
- deduction in year paid
- must exceed 7.5% of AGI to be deductible
capital medical expenses
included the following:
- wheelchairs
- medical beds
- seeing eye dogs
& they must be:
- a medical necessity
- advised by a physician
- used primarily by patient
- reasonable
maintenance on cap expend. are also deductible as medical expenses
captial improvements to homes
- deductible to extent that the cost of improvement exceeds the increae in value to home
- EXCEPTIONS: removal of structural barriers to home of handicapped are deemed to add no value to homes… thus full amount is considered a medical expense
- improvements for accessibility are ALWAYS deductible
- handicapped entry/exit ramps
- modifications to bathroom & kitchens
- improvements for accessibility are ALWAYS deductible
nursing homes & sepcial needs schools
- if the primary purpose is medical treatment: all costs (including meals and lodging) qualify as medical expenses
- if the primary purpose is personal: only sepcific medical costs qualify (no meals or lodging)
transportation & lodging
transportation to & from medical care is deductible
- 22cents per mile for 2023
lodging while away from home for medical expenses
- allowable amount is $50 per person per night
if parent &/or aide needs to accompany patient , their expenses are alsop deductible
Health Insurance Premiums
- premiums paid for medical care insurance are deductible medical expenses
- for self employed, 100% of the insurance premiums are deductible ATL
Reimbursed Expenses
if reimbursed in same year as expense paid:
- reimbursed offsets deductible amount
if reimbursed in the year after medical expenses were paid:
- reimbursement is income only to the extent medical deduction was taken by taxpayer (tax benefit rule)
deductions of up to $10,000 for the aggregate of:
- state & local property taxes
- state & local income taxes
- or sales taxes in lieu of income taxes (in states where there is no income tax)
Non-Deductible Taxes
- foreign property taxes
- prepayments of state or local income taxes
General Rule: all interest paid or accrued within the taxable year on indebtedness is deductible
many exceptions apply (making only the following types of interest deductible:
- qualified residence interest
- interest incurred in a trade or business
- interest incurred for production of income
“Interest” includes the following:
- prepayment penalties
- points (buy downs, prepaid interest)
- late payment fees
- mortgage insurance premiums (through December 31, 2021)
Qualified Residence Interest
can deduct interest on:
- principal residence and 1 other home:
- one vacation home
- includes boat/vehicle with sleeping and eating accomodations
- vacation home treated as “qualified residence” if the home is not rented during the year or if the home does not meet the “rental use” exception of IRC Section 280A
- only have to use the home 1 day a year if you don’t rent it out
- if you do rent it out, you have to use it for 15 days of the year
- for it to be a “qualified residence” and be deductible
qualified residence interest:
(Acquisition Indebtedness)
- acquire, construct dor improve principal residence
- for acquisition indebtedness incurred on or before December 15, 2017, interest is deductible on up to:
- $1 million maximum principal amount (total, the sum of the two homes “the debt on the 2” cannot exceed these caps)
- $500,000 for married filing separately
- during tax years 2018-2025, for acquisition indebtedness incurred after December 15, 2017, interest is deductible on up to:
- $750,000 maximum principal amount (total, the sum of the two homes “the debt on the 2” cannot exceed these caps)
- $375,000 for married filing separately
qualified residence interest:
(Home Equity Indebtedness)
before 2018, and after 2025, interest is deductibel on up to:
- $100,000 maximum principal amount
- $50,000 for married filing separately
- cannot exceed FMV of home less acquisition indebtedness
for tax years 2018-2025, no interest on hom eequity indebtedness may be deducted:
- this provision sunsets for tax years beginning after December 31, 2015
- interest on home equity loan that qualifeis as acquisition indebtedness is deductible