Chapter 7 Influence Flashcards
Interpersonal processes that change the thoughts, feelings, or behaviors of another person. It occurs sometimes directly but often it happens very subtly and indirectly
Social Influence
Majority Influence
Social pressure exerted by the larger portion of a group on individual members and smaller factions within the group. it increases consensus within the group.
Minority Influences
Social pressure exerted by a lone individual or smaller faction of a group on members of the majority faction. It sustains individuality and innovation.
A change in opinion, judgement, or action to match the opinons, judgments, or actions of other group members or the group’s normative standards.
Asch Situation
An experimental procedure developed by Solomon Asch in his studies of conformity to group opinion. Participants believed they were making perceptual judgments as part of a group, but the other members were confederates who made deliberate errors on certain trails. Study about the lines.
Why is a unanimous majority so influential?
Because the individual bears with a 100% of the group’s pressure. As “partners” were added to the study some of this pressure was taken off. It is also embarrassing for one person to be wrong, but if another is also wrong it becomes less embarrassing.
The larger the minority coalition the smaller the majority.
Strength in Numbers in Asch Situation
When the group is conformed of only two individuals the influence is not as strong (3.6% error), but with three it increases (13.6%), and with four it increases even more (31.8%). After four group members the influence increases, but not as much. It remains pretty much constant up to 16. This varies depending on situational factors.
Social Impact Theory
an analysis of social influence developed by Bibb Latane which proposes that the impact of any source of influence depends upon the strength, the immediacy, and the number of people (sources) present.
Compliance or Acquiescence
Privately disagreeing with the group but publicly expressing an opinion that matches the opinion expressed by the majority of the group.
Conversion or private acceptance
Change that occurs when group members personally accept the influencer’s position.
Unprompted or nonconforming, natural agreement between the individual and the group.
Expressing opinions, making judgments, or acting in ways that are consistent with one’s personal beliefs but inconsistent with the opinions of the group members or the group’s norms.
The expression of ideas or the taking of actions that are the opposite of whatever the group recommends. it can happen out of rebellious actions or just to make sure everyone is considering all the options.
Anticonformity or Counterconformity
Personality Characteristics That Are Reliably Associated with Conformity and Nonconformity
Age Authenticity Authoritarianism Big Five Personality Factors Birth Order Dependency Gender Identity Individuation Intelligence Need for Closure Need for Uniqueness Self-Blame Self-Esteem Self-Monitoring Yea-Saying
Crutchfield Situation
Similar to Asch Situation, but instead of having confederates they would see the “answer” of the other members in a panel. The panel was control by Richard Crutchfield. Because he removed the face to face interaction, people conformed significantly less.
Moscovici’s Conversion Theory
Maintains that disagreement within the group results in conflict, and that the group members are motivated to reduce that conflict- sometimes by getting others to change but also by changing their own opinions. Minorities influence though a validation process. While majorities influence though comparison process.
When do minorities tend to be more influencial?
When they are perceived to be team players who are committed, competent, and group centered.
When they are consistent, and offer coherent, compelling arguments that contradict the majority’s position, among others.
Idiosyncrasy Credit
the positive impressions of a person hel by others, whether defined in the narrower terms of a small face-to-face group or organizations. Because high-status members usually contributed more in the past and possess more valued personal characteristics, they have more credits. You gain more credits or higher status at the beginning phases of group formation (by conforming) When a person like this disagrees, he/she is heard because of their higher status or credits.