Chapter 7 - Image and Signal Preprocessing in Machine Learning Flashcards
What is image preprocessing?
Image preprocessing refers to a set of techniques and operations applied to raw images before they are used in computer vision or image analysis tasks. The purpose is to enhance quality, extract relevant information, or prepare images for further processing. It’s like getting a photo ready before showing it to someone.
What are some common image preprocessing steps?
Common preprocessing steps include resizing, normalization, noise reduction, and other adjustments. Other methods include grayscale conversion, histogram equalization, sharpening, thresholding, edge detection, color space conversion, contrast stretching, data augmentation, binarization, rotation, flipping, cropping and Gaussian blur.
What is the purpose of resizing in image preprocessing?
Resizing adjusts the dimensions of the image, either by shrinking or enlarging it to a specified size.
What does normalization do in image preprocessing?
Normalization scales pixel values to a standard range to ensure consistent intensity levels across images.
Explain the purpose of grayscale conversion.
Grayscale conversion converts a color image to grayscale, reducing the number of channels to one.
What does histogram equalization do?
Histogram equalization enhances the contrast of an image by redistributing pixel intensities to cover a wider range.
What is the purpose of sharpening an image?
Sharpening enhances the edges in an image, making them more pronounced.
What is thresholding?
Thresholding converts the image into a binary format by setting pixel values above a certain threshold to one and below to zero.
What is edge detection?
Edge detection identifies and highlights the edges in an image using techniques like Sobel, Prewitt, or Canny edge detectors.
What is color space conversion?
Color space conversion transforms the image from one color space to another (e.g., RGB to HSV).
What is the goal of contrast stretching?
Contrast stretching increases the contrast of an image by stretching the intensity values to cover the full dynamic range.
Why is denoising important in image processing?
Denoising reduces noise in an image to improve its quality and enhance the visibility of features.
What is data augmentation in image processing?
Data augmentation generates additional training samples by applying random transformations such as rotation, scaling, and flipping.
What is binarization?
Binarization converts a grayscale image into a binary image by assigning a threshold to separate foreground and background.
What is the purpose of rotation, flipping and cropping in image preprocessing?
Rotation rotates the image by a specified angle, flipping mirrors the image, and cropping removes unwanted parts of the image. These are often used for data augmentation.