Chapter 7: Federal and State Laws Flashcards
The _____ Act of _____ prohibits discrimination based on race.
Civil Rights Act
The _____ Act of _____, also called _____ prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Federal Fair Housing Act 1968 Title VIII In 1974 Gender was added People with disabilities and families with children were added in 1988
Exceptions to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 are:
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
owner does not use a broker
private clubs
owner-occupied 1-4 units
owned by churches or frats
The _____ of ______ expanded the Civil Rights Act to include: persons with limiting physical or mental impairments, drug addicts, persons with HIV/AIDS and recovering alcoholics, and women who are pregnant and people with children under 18.
Fair Housing Amendment
true/false: HUD posters are required in all places of business, including model homes in subdivisions.
The fact that a property was the site of a homicide or suicide is ______ to be disclosed in a transaction.
not required
Penalties for violating the Florida Fair Housing Act can range from _____ to _____ dollars.
A lease conveys _____ interest in real property, but does not convey ownership.
legal interest
true/false: A lease can be oral or written.
true/false: Lien foreclosure terminates a lease
true/false: Condemnation through eminent domain proceedings will terminate a lease
true/false: Bankruptcy of a tenant can cause termination of a lease
_____ and _____ of the lessor and lessee are required on a lease.
names and signatures
Statute of Frauds requires a lease for more than 1 year to be _____ and _____ in order to be enforceable in court.
written and signed
Real estate licensees can fill in the blanks on a residential lease form for periods covering _____ or less.
1 year
true/false: Landlords can commingle funds from their personal accounts if they post a surety bond with the clerk of the circuit court in the amount of total holdings, or $50,000, whichever is less and pay the tenant 5% simple interest.
Landlords can place deposits in interest-bearing accounts and give the tennant ____% simple interest or ____% of the interest earned, at the discretion of the landlord.
If the landlord has no intention of making a claim on the security deposit, they have _____ days to return it.
If a landlord intends to make a claim on a security deposit, they have _____ days to notify the tenant.
A tenant has _____ days to object to a landlord’s claim on their security deposit.
If a tenant does not object to a claim on their security deposit, the landlord has _____ days after the notice to impose the claim to return the remaining balance.
Landlords must give tenants _____ hours notice before entering the premises, and can enter between ______a.m. and _____p.m.
7: 30 a.m.
8: 00 p.m.
If a landlord does not make repairs to a unit within _____ days after receiving written notice, a tenant can terminate the lease or seek a temporary rate reduction.
If default continues for _____ days after the landlord delivers a written demand for payment of rent, the landlord pay terminate the lease.
A _____ lease is a fixed-rent lease. Usually residential.
A _____ lease is base rent plus all or a portion of the operating costs. Usually commercial or industrial.
A _____ lease is base rent plus a percentage of gross sales. Usually malls and shopping centers.
An _____ lease ties the rent amount to a nationally published index. Usually office space.
A _____ is where a property owner sell the property to an investor, and then immediately leases the property back, freeing up capital.
A(n) _____ is when a lessee transfers all the their leased space for all of the remaining time to someone else.
A(n) _____ is when a lessee transfers less than 100% of the space they are leasing, or shorter than the remainder time, to another person.
The _____ subleases the property to the _____.
Florida do-not-call law provides for up to _____ fines.
Federal do-not-call law provides for up to _____ in fines and restricts calling between _____ a.m. and _____ p.m.
8: 00 a.m.
9: 00 p.m.
Buyers buying a house that was built subsequent to Jan. 1, _____ must be given a lead-based paint disclosure.
Any party buying, or leasing for a period of more than _____ days, must be given a radon gas disclosure.
true/false: A disclosure must be included when there is a mandatory HOA.
true/false: An “as is” provision in a purchase and sale contract prevents the seller from having to disclose any material defects of the property.
true/false: A landlord can shut off utility services in order to try to receive rent.
Inducing an owner to sell their property by telling them their neighborhood is deteriorating or because of an influx on minority persons is called _____.
Is it illegal for an owner-occupier of one single-family home to refuse to rent a room to someone based on their race if they do not use a broker?
Racial discrimination is always prohibited based on the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
_____ or _____ is directing someone towards or away from certain neighborhoods because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Steering or channeling
_______ is the refusal by a lender to approve a mortgage on the basis of: geography, age of the property, income level of the residents, or racial composition of the area.
Representing that a dwelling is not available for rent or sale, when in fact it is, because of racial characteristics of the potential renter would be considered _____.
steering or channeling
When a property is sublet, it creates what is called a _____ lease.
Who enforces the Fair Housing Act?
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development enforces the fair housing act.
Under ___, covered multifamily housing built and ready for occupancy after _____ __, 1991, must follow design requirements to ensure that housing is accessible to persons with disabilities. Covered housing applies to most public and private housing. Owner-occupied buildings with no more than ____ units, single-family housing sold or rented without the use of a broker, and housing operated by organizations and private clubs that limit occupancy to members are exempt from this provision.
Under ADA, covered multifamily housing built and ready for occupancy after March 13, 1991, must follow design requirements to ensure that housing is accessible to persons with disabilities. Covered housing applies to most public and private housing. Owner-occupied buildings with no more than four units, single-family housing sold or rented without the use of a broker, and housing operated by organizations and private clubs that limit occupancy to members are exempt from this provision.
The _______ ______ _____ _____ _________ Act was passed by Congress in 1968 to protect consumers from the risk of fraud when purchasing or leasing land.
The Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act was passed by Congress in 1968 to protect consumers from the risk of fraud when purchasing or leasing land.
Land developers must register developments of 100 or more lots with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). And for developments of 25 or more lots, the developer must give purchasers a Property Report prior to the buyer signing the purchase agreement. The Property Report is a disclosure that details information about the subdivision. Developers who fail to comply with the disclosure requirements risk the buyers rescinding the contract.
Florida’s Fair Housing Law protects the same 7 classes as the federal fair housing law and prohibits?
Florida’s Fair Housing Law protects the same 7 classes as the federal fair housing law and prohibits:
• Refusing to rent or sell housing.
• Falsely deny that housing is available for inspection, rental, or sale.
• Refusing to make a mortgage loan.
• Imposing different conditions or terms on a loan.
• Threatening, coercing, or intimidating any individual exercising a fair housing right.
• Refusing reasonable changes to a dwelling to accommodate a disability.