Chapter 7 (exam 2) Flashcards
Kidney Functions
- reg blood volume and pressure
- ion concentrations
- regulate pH
- conserve nutrients and eliminate waste/tox
- metabolism of drugs/tox
- filtrations (180L per day)
Bowman’s Capsule
- glomrulus inside with fenestrated capillaries
- pores in capillary allow small parts to enter the kidney
- Albumin, blood cells fo not enter the nephron
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
- Retains nutrients (amino acids and glucose) and water
- active transport to help retain nutrients
- Pump Na+ out and water will follow due to osmosis (passive)
- some enzymes pull in Na+ while removing glucose (antiporter)
Loop of Henle
- ion regulation and water reabsorption
- osmolarity increases in descending limb as water is removed
- remove salt in ascending limb and decrease osmolarity
- bottom is highly stressed due to high conc
- countercurrent with vasa recta blood vessel, more efficient than static system
mole solute/L solution
osmosis - diffusion of water across membrane
increases in descending limb and decreases in ascending limb
Collecting duct
- water balance
- after PCT
Renal susceptability to Tox
- highly perfused - 20-25% cardiac output
- high solute conc
- active transport
- bioactivation due to metabolic activity
Kidney injuries
hypofiltration - decrease rate of filtration due to renal vasocconstriction or glomerular injury (amphotericin B increases permeability, loss gradient)
tubular necrosis - wide variety of chemicals that can cause widespread cell damage
obstruction - loss of flow (radiocontrast agents form precipitate due to high conc in tubular fluid)
fibrosis - immune, inflammatory effect
Measurement of GFR
- glomerular flow rate
- use serum creatine and urea (blood urea nitrogen, BUN) concentrations as biomarker
- Constantly generated throughout the body
readily eliminated by the kidney. Increase conc corresponds to decrease in filtration rate
-mass balance (in-out)
Chemical analysis of solute conc and pH
-proteinuria - protein in the urine (albumin)
–due to injury to the glomerulus via high blood pressure
Ethanol Renal Impact
- inhibit ADH
- less ADH results in less water reabsorption in the collecting duct
- less conc urine, higher volume, dehydration
- ADH promotes water retention via collecting duct
Chlorinated Solvents (Renal)
- TCE - trichloroethylene
- GSH generates reactive metabolites
- beta-lyase cleaves the cysteine off of the (-SG) conjagate to form a nucleophile
- nucleophile is highly reactive and forms an adduct
Metal Renal Tox
- Cd and Hg (non-nutrative metals)
- Negative effects because of sulfur chemistry
- transition metals (soft metals, more polarizable) have high affinity for reduced sulfur
- soft metal has high affinity for soft ligands (O is hard, S is soft)
- soft metals in bottom right of periodic table
Bio source of Reduced Sulfur
- thiols in proteins, GSH (gluothione conjugation)
- metal binds to thiol on protein and alters the tertiary sructure
- loss of function for active transporters required for kidney function
- cysteine rich proteins that are used to sequetser nutrient metals like Zn or that serve as non-essential target for toxic metals (Cd)
- Produced in liver and kidneys
- Inducible and chronic exposure can increase production therefore it is a biomarker for exposure