Chapter 7 - Definitions Flashcards
What is the definition for radius of convergence?
The radius of convergence of a power series (the sum from n=0 to infinity asubscriptnx^n) is R:= sup{|x|: |the sum from n=0 to infinity asubscriptnx^n|converges}.
If the set is unbounded above, we say that R = infinity
What does the radius of convergence tell us?
It tells us almost everything about the subset of the real numbers on which it converges.
What are the sum series for exp, sin and cos?
exp: real numbers to the real numbers is
exp(x)=lim from n=0 to infinity of asubscriptn/n!
sin: real numbers to the real numbers is
sin(x)=lim from n=0 to infinity of (-1)^n*x^(2n+1)/(2n+1)!
cos: real numbers to the real numbers is
cos(x)=lim from n=0 to infinity of n*x^(2n)/(2n)!
What is the definition for termwise derivative?
Given a power series f(x)=lim from n=0 to infinity of asubscriptnx^n, its termwise derivative is the power series
fwith a top hat=lim from n=1 to infinity of nasubscriptn*x^(n-1)
= lim from n=0 (n+1)asubscrpt(n+1)x^n
- derivative is still just a name here -
What is the definition/equivalent for a to the power x?
Let a>0 and x exist in the real numbers. Then, a^x = exp (xlna)
What is the definition for analytic?
Let U be a subset of the real numbers and be open, Then f: U to the real numbers is analytics if, for each xsubsrcipt0 exist in U, there exists epsilon>0 and a power series lim from n=0 to infinity of asubscriptn(x-xsubscript0)^n which converges to f(x) for all x that exists in (xsubscript0 - epsilon, xsubscript0 + epsilon)
What is the definition for polynomial function?
Given a polynomial p(x) = asubscript0 + asubscript1x + …+ asubscriptk*x^k, we define the function fsubscriptp: real numbers to the real numbers such that
fsubscriptp(x) = 0, x<or=0
= p(1/x)exp(-1/x), x>0 the function is smooth but not analytic - (except p(x)=0)