Chapter 7 CP And Fear Of Crime Flashcards
The police reforms in the 50s were addressing what main problem?
During what period did police begin to emphasize law enforcement over providing services and maintaining order?
During the depression and prohibition
The reforms of the 50s focused on what model?
The professional model, detached and distant.
“Just the facts ma’am”
The profession model of policing addresses fear of crime as much as it addresses crime itself
The professional model did not address fear of crime as an issue at all
Two types of fear
Personal and altruistic
The three components of the threat of victimization:
Emotive: generalized fear
Cognitive: based on assessment
Behavioral: constraints to lifestyle
Fear of crime is an extremely complex social phenomena
The four theoretical models explaining fear of crime:
Community concern
Sub cultural diversity
Which theoretical model of fear of crime explains when something has happened to you or someone you know?
Victimization theory
Which theoretical model of the fear of crime considers the effects of abandoned buildings, loitering, trash etc?
Disorder theory model
Which theoretical model suggests that diversity in a neighborhood can contribute to fear of crime?
Subcultural diversity model
Neighborhood diversity reduces fear of crime
True if you are poor
False if you are rich
Which has a more profound impact on fear of crime, direct victimization or the perception of disorder?
The perception of disorder
Franklin and Franklin say that as one’s income increases fear of crime is reduced
True for females, false for males
The two main components of community policing:
Problem solving and community partnerships