Chapter 7: Attempts to reduce tensions between East and West Flashcards
What were the six reasons why detente happened
- Money - arms race cost a lot, and both wanted to reduce spending
- Proliferation - The superpowers were concerned about weapons and technologies spreading elsewhere, increasing the chance of a nuclear war
- China - neither side wanted the other to ally with it
- Nuclear war - the cuban missile crisis had scared both
- Public opposition - People became aware of how bad a nuclear war would be
- Vietnam - The USA wanted to end the war and make peace, and detente was a good time to negotiate
What was SALT 1 and what was decided
SALT = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (1972)
- Anti -Ballistic Missile Treat (ABM) were allowed at only two sites, with 100 missiles.
- Interim Agreement on Offensive arms - a five year freeze on Intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine bases ballistic missiles
- sides could use satellites to make sure neither broke the regulations, but bomber planes and MIRVS were not restricted
What effects did the Yom Kippur war (1973) have on relations
America supplied Israel and the Soviet Union supplied Syria and Egypt.
Brezhnev put forward a joint US- Soviet plan, but the US refused and all US forces and nukes were put on alert.
But the USA suggested a UN peacekeeping force, which worked and ended the war with a ceasefire
Factors of the Helsinki agreements in 1975
Us, Soviet Union and 33 countries:
Security -
*Recognition of Europe’s frontiers
*Soviets accepted the existence of the West Germany
Cooperation -
*Closer economics, scientific and cultural links
*Led to closer political agreements
Human rights -
*Agreed to respect human rights
*Especially basic freedoms e.g speech, religion and freedom of unfair arrests
Helsinki groups were set up in Europe
Relations after the Helsinki agreements in 1975
Carter linked Human rights to arms limitation to cause problems against the Soviets, as the Soviets were known for breaking human rights and sending weapons to Africa
Carters criticism was seen as gross interference
Helsinki groups were set up in Europe
They, Carter and human right groups complained about breeches the Soviets made in 1975
These included lack of speech, religious restrictions and lack of freedom of movements
Despite this, Soviets sent weapons to Angola and Ethiopia
By 1980, Soviets sent weapons to 21 other African states
Carter increased the US defence budget
What was SALT 2 and what was decided
SALT = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (1974)
- A limit on nuclear driving vehicles like bombers, ICBM and submarines
- A limit on MIRV and deployment of new strategic offensive arms
- a ban on the construction of ICBM launchers
Why did relations worsen after SALT 2?
The US government did not believe that the limits put forward could be verified and was concerned about Soviet troops placed in Cuba
The soviets invaded Afghanistan, and the US then refused to ratify SALT 2
Why did the USA have the upper hand when Gorbachev came to power
The USA had a booming economy, excellent space and computer technology, a good international reputation and NATO allies. Had less missiles though than the USSR
The USSR had Warsaw allies and more missiles. But they had an expensive war in Afghanistan, a failing economy, old fashioned technology and a poor reputation
When did Gorbachev become the Soviet leader
March 1965
What did Gorbachev introduce to try and improve the Soviet Union
Glasnost and Perestrokia
Sweeping changes to the bureaucratic system to remove privilege
Agreed to limit arms in the INF treaty
Attended the South Korean olympics in 1988 after two years of boycotts.
He called for “freedom of choice” for satellite states
What was Glasnost and what happened
Glasnost means openness
- Censorship of the press was to be relaxed (newspapers and radio broadcasts had more say in what they said/printed
- It was possible to buy western newspapers
What was Perestroika and what happened
Perestroika meant restructuring
- Economic reform designed to make the Soviet economy more efficient
- The Soviet economy was not as efficient as the US economy. Everyday life for Russians was difficult, especially with shortages, such as queues for food
What were the three summits that improved relations
Geneva 1985: no formal agreements, but Reagan and Gorbachev begin a constructive relationship
Reykjavik 1986: No major agreements, but disagreements on Ballistic missiles and SDI
Washington 1987: INF treaty agreed. First time leaders had agreed on REDUCING missiles
What was the INF treaty, when was it and what was decided
INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty), 1987
The two leaders agreed to eliminate nuclear and conventional ground launched ballistic missiles
*All missiles within a range of 500 -5,500Km were to be eliminated
Both sides were allowed to inspect each others military installations
2,692 missiles destroyed by 1 June 1991, mostly by the Soviets
Why was the INF treaty a success/why were the leader able to agree on reducing missiles
- Gorbachev and Reagan had a constructive relationship
- Gorbachev was convinced that nuclear weapons were not guaranteeing Soviet security and were too expensive
- Reagan convinced Gorb that the USA wouldn’t invade
- Gorb realised that the Soviet economy would not recover if it was spending so much money on nukes
- He believed that disarmament would win him popularity in the west, and allow trade deals between the west
What was Gorbachev’s ‘New Thinking’
Gorbachev realised that the Cold war was draining the Soviets wealth so much that it could not continue to develop economically and the falling standard of living in was creating unrest
- He initiated sweeping reforms in the Communist parties and Soviet system (Glasnost and Perestroika)
- Ended the Arms race with the USA
- Abandoned the Brezhnev doctrine and stopped Soviet interference in eastern European satellite states