Chapter 7 Flashcards
exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvī, exspectātus
to await, wait for, expect
there, in that place
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus
to hold, grasp
speculum, -ī, n.
lacrima, -ae, f.
tear (noun, as in crying tears)
lacrimō, lacrimāre, lacrimāvī, lacrimātus
to cry, weep
oculus, -ī, m.
eye (noun)
Reflexive pronoun (accusative)
fōrmōsus, -a, -um
beautiful, pretty, handsome (not pulcher)
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus
to open, uncover
in + acc.
into, onto
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus
to close, shut
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus
to turn, revolve, exchange
on the contrary (expresses the opposite of the anticipated response of num or nōnne, whichever the case may be)
tergeō, tergēre, tersī, tersus
to rub, wipe off, clean, polish
Es, este
Be! (s. & pl.)
Introduces a question with an anticipated positive response.
adveniō, advenīre, advēnī, adventus
to arrive
Salvē, salvēte!
Hello (s. & pl. - literally be well!)
ē, ex
out of, out from
ōstiārius, -ī, m.
Doorman, slave who opens and closes the door
plēnus, -a, -um
full, satisfied
insum, inesse, infuī, infutūrus (be careful with length of initial “i”)
to be in, on, belong, be involved
mālum, -ī, n.
hic, haec, hoc
this, these
dō, dare, dedī, datus
to give, offer, render
dative singular personal pronoun
et … et
both … and
pirum, -ī, n.
pear (the fruit)
neque … neque
neither … nor
dā, date
Give! (s. & pl.)
iīs, eīs (not ablative)
Personal Pronouns (Dative plural)
adeō, adīre, adiī, aditus
to go toward, approach, attend
ōsculum, -ī, n.
kiss (noun)
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursum
to run, hurry, hasten
ī, īte!
Go! (s. & pl.)
exeō, exīre, exiī, exitus
to go out, depart, exit, avoid
relative pronoun (dative singular)
interrogative pronoun (dative singular)
datīvus, -ī, m.
Dative Case
only, just (not tantum)
to await, wait for, expect
exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvī, exspectātus
there, in that place
to hold, grasp
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus
speculum, -ī, n.
tear (noun, as in crying tears)
lacrima, -ae, f.
to cry, weep
lacrimō, lacrimāre, lacrimāvī, lacrimātus
eye (noun)
oculus, -ī, m.
Reflexive pronoun (accusative)
beautiful, pretty, handsome (not pulcher)
fōrmōsus, -a, -um
to open, uncover
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus
into, onto
in + acc.
to close, shut
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus
to turn, revolve, exchange
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus
on the contrary (expresses the opposite of the anticipated response of num or nōnne, whichever the case may be)
to rub, wipe off, clean, polish
tergeō, tergēre, tersī, tersus
Be! (s. & pl.)
Es, este
Introduces a question with an anticipated positive response.
to arrive
adveniō, advenīre, advēnī, adventus
Hello (s. & pl. - literally be well!)
Salvē, salvēte!
out of, out from
ē, ex
Doorman, slave who opens and closes the door
ōstiārius, -ī, m.
full, satisfied
plēnus, -a, -um
to be in, on, belong, be involved
insum, inesse, infuī, infutūrus (be careful with length of initial “i”)
mālum, -ī, n.
this, these
hic, haec, hoc
to give, offer, render
dō, dare, dedī, datus
dative singular personal pronoun
both … and
et … et
pear (the fruit)
pirum, -ī, n.
neither … nor
neque … neque
Give! (s. & pl.)
dā, date
Personal Pronouns (Dative plural)
iīs, eīs (not ablative)
to go toward, approach, attend
adeō, adīre, adiī, aditus
kiss (noun)
ōsculum, -ī, n.
to run, hurry, hasten
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursum
Go! (s. & pl.)
ī, īte!
to go out, depart, exit, avoid
exeō, exīre, exiī, exitus
relative pronoun (dative singular)
interrogative pronoun (dative singular)
Dative Case
datīvus, -ī, m.
only, just (not tantum)