Chapter 7 Flashcards
- How did empire building affect the missionary effort?
It gave missionaries access to areas that had been closed.
- How did confidence in Western civilization affect the missionary effort?
It had a negative effect by the rapid spread of corrupt practices of the Western world. It had a positive effect because of institutions built during this time. It gave the appearance that the Kingdom would be established on earth through modern advances in science and technology.
- What part did women play in early missions?
Over half of the missionaries were women-most fully involved in missions work.
- Why did the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions think it was possible to win the world in one generation?
It seemed possible in one generation because the resources were available, the colonial powers created a stable political climate, and there was unity among Protestant missions organizations in their evangelism work.
- Explain the various beliefs about the timing of the Kingdom.
Premillennial—the second coming of Christ will usher in the millennial reign of Christ. Postmillennial—the positive effects of preaching the gospel would eventually bring in the Kingdom.
- How did an individual person’s view of the Kingdom affect his or her mission strategies?
It made the difference in the importance in urgency and preaching. Either preaching the gospel to every creature before the end comes or preach, educate, and civilize (transform) the world to eventually usher in the Kingdom. Premillennialism offers a strong and urgent motive for missions since all who died without Christ are doomed.
- Define missiology.
The science of missions dealing with theory and strategy. Closely tied to theology
- Explain the three-self formula. What is another name for the same principle?
A self-supporting, self-governing, self-propagating church. The indigenous principle or Anderson/Venn formula.
- How did Social Darwinism affect missions?
It stymied the indigenous church principle. It made the national church a colony of the foreign planting church and kept the missionaries in charge.
- How did John Nevius change the Anderson/Venn formula?
He built on the indigenous principle but added Bible study and missionary itineration.
- Why did the three-self principle fail at the end of the Great Century?
Inexperienced missionaries, the wrong aim, saving souls versus founding a national church; the false idea that poor people could not support a church; and exalting the mission above the national church.
- What was comity designed to do in missions?
Divide the mission fields among missions agencies to avoid duplications.
- Why was the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh considered a milestone in modern church history?
Took steps for permanent cooperation, approved of creating indigenous churches, laid the foundation for the WCC.
- How did J. Roswell Flower describe Spirit baptism?
The Baptism fills souls with a love for the lost, makes a person more willing to leave home to go to the foreign fields. Carrying the gospel to other lands is a natural result of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- What important ministry concepts came from the Azusa Street Revival?
The importance of women in ministry; a sense of being led by the Spirit; and living by faith.
- What connection did most Pentecostals make between the Holy Spirit and evangelism?
The importance of women in ministry; a sense of being led by the Spirit; and living by faith.
- How did the revivals in the East influence the Assemblies of God?
Many A/G leaders and missionaries were trained at Rochester, Beulah Heights, or Nyack. The CMA influenced the A/G through their doctrines, Simpson’s songs and hymns, and organizational structure. Simpson’s ideas about missions influenced the A/G missions: missionary conventions, indigenous church principles, structure of the mission agency, and Bible schools.
- How did the Rochester Bible Training School affect the Assemblies of God missions program?
Many A/G missionaries were trained at the school. It also illustrated the role that women played in Pentecostalism.
- Describe the influence of the Christian and Missionary Alliance on the Assemblies of God.
The CMA influenced the A/G in many areas: doctrine, organizational structure, hymns and songs, missionary methods (indigenous principle), and training.
- How did missionaries receive their financial support in the early days?
Readers of the publications sent their offerings to the publications that in turn would forward them to the missionaries.
- Why did Anna C. Reiff, editor of the Latter Rain Evangel, complain about missionary problems?
She did not want to support missionaries who had moral or doctrinal problems; who were always in the U.S. rather than on the field; who had not been through a proper selection process; and who lacked accountability. There was also a problem of one missionary receiving more funds than another.
- What was E. N. Bell’s solution to the accountability problem?
He required a quarterly report from the missionaries with receipts. Items on this report included the size of the missionary’s family, other missionaries living with them, and number of national workers under their supervision. He encouraged learning the local language.
- How did World War I affect the missionary effort?
WWI hindered missionaries from traveling overseas. It also brought in an era of critical reflection over the nature of missionary efforts.