Chapter 7 Flashcards
Individuals who, mostly for personal reasons, have reached a stage in their lives in which “giving” in and of itself is sufficient motivation
The motivation seems to be one whereby the satisfaction arises just from exercising one’s skills to their utmost — a kind of “celebration of excellence.”
Co-Operative Model
Usually requires the identification of a number of similar small businesses that individually cannot grow or even be sustainable. Based on 7 principles: Voluntary and open membership, Democratic member control, Economic participation from all members, Autonomy and independence, Educations training and information, cooperation among cooperatives, & concern for community.
Uses a normal business structure where profits can be attractive enough for external investors to participate while the company fulfills a major social need
The individual wants to be known for the excellence of his or her contributions
Hybrid Model
A legal structure is created to enable both a social and a business mission to exist in a mutually supportive relationship
Inverse Commons
Used to describe the result of sharing in which users of a “good” actually contribute to the overall value rather than detracting from it
Peer Recognition
The personal satisfaction comes from having your peers witness excellent work that you have contributed
Philosophy of Life
Individuals are motivated by a spiritual need to “leave the world for a better place” for others
Pure Model
A non-for-profit structure in which the enterprise is focused entirely on a social mission