Chapter 7 308-315 Flashcards
What is “IP” responsible for within the protocol layer?
PG 308
Responsible for managing logical network addresses and getting data from point A to point B.
What are the 3 support protocols within the Internet Layer Protocol?
PG 308
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP);
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Reverse ARP (RARP)
What roll does ICMP play?
PG 308
Is responsible for delivering error messages. Using tools such trace routes and ping.
What roll does ARP have within a network?
PG 308
Resolves logical IP address to physical MAC addresses built into the network cards.
What does Reverse ARP do within the Internet Layer Protocol?
PG 308
Resolves MAC addresses to the IP address.
T or F
To communicate on the TCP/IP network each device needs to have a unique IP address?
PG 308
Also any device with an IP address is referred as a Host.
What are the 2 components of the IP address?
PG 310
Network ID and the Host ID.
What are 2 services within TCP/IP?
PG 314
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
and Domain Name System
What is Static IP addressing?
PG 315
It is when the administrator enters in the info for each host manually.