Chapter 7 Flashcards
Georges Braque, Houses at L’Estaque
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon
Nude figures and mask.
Georges Braque, Violin and Palette
First phase of cubism. Analytic cubism.
Pablo Picasso, Accordianist
Braque and Picasso’s visual vocab start to merge. Shared stage of exploration.
Pablo Picasso, Still Life with Chair Caning + Guitar, Sheet Music, and Wine Glass
2nd phase of cubism. Assembling forms.
Aleksandr Archipenko, Médrano II
Bright palette. Unconventional materials. Tin, oilcloth, etc.
Raymond Duchamp-Villon, The Horse
Abstraction in sculpture
Jacques Lipchitz, Man with a Guitar
abstracted, geometric. Form vs planes.
Juan Gris, Still Life and Townscape.
Alternative types of illusionism in same picture plane.
Robert Delauney, Simultaneous Contrasts: Sun and Moon
Heavily abstracted forms with vivid palette
Sonia Delaunay, Blanket
Orphism. Pure abstraction and pure colors.