Chapter 7 Flashcards
Sociological Positivism
What: Combined idea of social causation and investigative methods of science
Emerged: Thinkers began to look for regularities in the social life
Motivated by: Historical change that led to high concentration of deviance
Chicago school + Haymarket Riot
When: 1892
Was: Centre for ideas about the influence of rapid change in the social order
Haymarket Riot: (1866) Bomb was thrown in centre, killed 7, officers responded by firing on crowd
Result: Threat of class warfare, alien radicalism and urban mass sent shock waves through social classes; therefore more suppport was given to the Chicago school to do more research
Assistance from: John D. Rockefeller ($35 Million)
Social Disorganization Theory (5)
Theory: Rapid social change leads to breakdown of common values and regulations thereby allowing anomic forms of deviance like suicide and mental illness to emerge
Change Geramane to Social Disorganization:
1) Urbanisation
2) Migration
3) Immigration
4) Industrialisation
5) Technological change
Emile Durkheim
Who: A founder of sociology, influenced by Darwinist evolutionary theory
Vision: Saw societies as organisms that could adapt to their environments and evolve overtime
Rejected: Explanation of social problems; believed deviance is natural or a pathology
Mechanical Solidarity
Members of a society share a common conscience that holds them together
Organic Solidarity
When population pressure leads to an increasingly complex division of labour
Lack of intergration within the group
Lack of regulation by the group
Primary Relations
Who: Charles Horton Cooley
What: Informal, face to face personal interaction
Secondary Relations
Formal, direct and less personally involving
Chicago School Perspective
The less someone is intergrated and regulated by involvement in interdependent relationships, more likely he/she will become deviant
Human Ecology
Study of Spatial and temporary relations among people and how they are affected by social and economic competition
(9) Concepts of Human Ecology
1) Invasion
2) Segregation
3) Natural areas
4) Conflict
5) Dominace
6) Accomodation
7) Assimilation
8) Succession
9) Symbiosis
Cartographical Schools
Used statistics about social issues to create social maps that showed crime, dependency, and other social problems that occur at a higher rate when social condotions change
WHO Understanding of Urban Squalor (5)
1) Religious do-gooders
2) Humanitarian philanthropists
3) Journalists
4) Public health and warfare officials
5) Social reformers