Chapter 7 Flashcards


[1017619] In relation to ethical and socially responsible investment, which of the following are correct?
IBoth types of investing decrease the risk of a portfolio
IIBoth types of investing increase the returns of a portfolio over the short- to medium-term
AI only BII only CBoth DNeither


The correct answer is: D - Neither
Ethical and socially responsible investments limit the range of companies that can be included in a portfolio, potentially increasing risk through lack of diversification. Over the short- to medium-term, returns are unlikely to be positively affected. SRI is, after all, generally basing decisions on non-investment criteria. However, advocates of SRI believe that these companies will be better managed and better run, with a view to long-term sustainable growth, claiming that in the long-run SRI will outperform the less responsible companies.

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[1047097] If a financial advisor works purely on commission generated on the selling of new financial products to professional clients, when would this commission be generated?
AUpon first meeting the client BUpon the sale of new products CPaid monthly in arrears over a 4 year period DPaid annually in arrears over a 4 year period


The correct answer is: B - Upon the sale of new products
The RDR review has banned provider and product commission, but this only applies to advice given to retail clients. The syllabus also refers to understanding problems of product and provider bias, and so an understanding of how commission-based advice is still required.
Given that a commission can be generated both upfront and/or during the life of the product, the best answer here is upfront, since no specific time frame is given for commission generation in arrears by the syllabus

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[1017696] Which of the following is not one of the FCA principles?
ACustomers’ interests BData protection CConflicts of interest DFinancial prudence


The correct answer is: B - Data protection
The principles are as follows:
1. Integrity: A firm must conduct its business with integrity.
2. Skill, care and diligence: A firm must conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence.
3. Management and control: A firm must take reasonable care to organise and control its affairs responsibly and effectively, with adequate risk management systems.
4. Financial prudence: A firm must maintain adequate financial resources.
5. Market conduct: A firm must observe proper standards of market conduct.
6. Customers’ interests: A firm must pay due regard to the interests of its customers and treat them fairly.
7. Communications with clients: A firm must pay due regard to the information needs of its clients, and communicate information to them in a way which is clear, fair and not misleading.
8. Conflicts of interest: A firm must manage conflicts of interest fairly, both between itself and its customers and between a customer and another client.
9. Customers’ relationship of trust: A firm must take reasonable care to ensure the suitability of its advice and discretionary decisions for any customer who is entitled to rely on its judgment.
10. Clients’ assets: A firm must arrange adequate protection for clients’ assets when it is responsible for them.
11. Relationship with regulators: A firm must deal with its regulators in an open and cooperative way, and must disclose to the FCA appropriately anything relating to the firm of which the FCA would reasonably expect notice.

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[1040952] Which of the following does not represent a method of indexing?
AFull expectation BFull replication COptimisation DStratified Sampling


The correct answer is: A - Full expectation
Full replication will make for an accurate portfolio representation but can be expensive, especially where the securities are illiquid. Also, costs of rebalancing the fund will lead to tracking error. Stratified sampling relies on representative samples, which can lead to bias. Optimisation relies on sophisticated computer techniques, but this can be difficult to use.

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[1040171] After establishing the personal details of an investor, what is the first thing you should do before recommending any investment products?
AEstablish current income and expenditure BExplain the technical jargon related to the investment products CExplain the general state of the economy DDetermine the financial situation of the investor


The correct answer is: D - Determine the financial situation of the investor
This is the best answer. Establishing the investor’s current financial situation gives the financial advisor a basis on which to move forward. This would look at their current investments and their current liabilities - such as mortgages, overdrafts and credit cards.
After this, the advisor is likely to look at the income and expenditure of the client.

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[1040943] Which of the following represents one of the main principles regarding usury/interest in Islamic finance?
AFixed interest on borrowing and lending should be set appropriately BVariable interest is preferable to fixed interest on borrowing and lending CAll forms of interest are forbidden, money transfer is to be based on the principle of profit sharing DAll forms of interest are forbidden, money transfer is to be based on the principle of tax sharing


The correct answer is: C - All forms of interest are forbidden, money transfer is to be based on the principle of profit sharing
The customer and the bank share the risk of the investment, and divide profits between them.

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[1049230] Which of the following is an example of positive screening?
AEnvironmental improvement BTobacco CNuclear power DGambling industries


The correct answer is: A - Environmental improvement
Positive screening is selecting only those investments that are aligned to a set of socially responsible standards. The other answers are all examples of negative screening: i.e. identifying what you do not want to invest in.

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[1017615] Lorna Wilson wants to ensure that her investment of £15,000 is not invested in tobacco companies.
Jack Bond wants to ensure that his £15,000 investment is invested in wind farm projects.
Which of the two statements below are correct in describing Lorna and Jack?
ILorna is interested in socially responsible investing
IIJack is interested in ethical investment
AI only BII only CBoth DNeither


The correct answer is: D - Neither
Ethical investment seeks to negatively screen those companies that are to the detriment of the environment or society. This reflects Lorna’s position. Socially responsible investment is where investors positively include those companies that actively benefit the environment or society. This reflects Jack’s position.

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[1049229] Which of the following is NOT an objective factor in assessing a client’s attitude to risk?
AStage in the life cycle BTheir commitments CTimescale DClient’s view


The correct answer is: D - Client’s view
The client’s view is a subjective factor rather than an objective factor.

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[1035745] To ensure a client understands, you:
AAsk them questions BGet them to ask you questions CAsk them to explain the product solution to you DSend them a suitability report


The correct answer is: B - Get them to ask you questions
Getting the investor to ask you questions is the best answer. You should check whether the client has read and understood the report and ascertain whether they has any questions about it.

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[1017683] Jonathan Hart is single, aged 40, and earns £70,000 pa as a self employed management consultant. He has a mortgage of £200,000 and personal loans of £10,000. Jonathan is concerned about becoming ill and not being able to continue to meet his commitments.
Which policy would you recommend for this client as most suitable for his circumstances?
ACritical illness cover BLife assurance and critical illness CIncome replacement DMedical insurance


The correct answer is: C - Income replacement
Income protection insurance can be a valuable form of protection for a client with dependants, to protect them against their loss of income if he cannot work. Although Jonathan is single, he states that he wishes to continue to meet his commitments.
Critical illness insurance (CII) pays out a lump sum on diagnosis of certain serious conditions, including cancer and certain heart conditions. However, there is no ongoing protection from these policies.

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[1017693] What is the most important reason for presenting recommendations face to face at a client meeting?
ASigning the forms BVerifying status CAnswering client questions DGiving the client the report


The correct answer is: C - Answering client questions
One of the most important elements of financial advice is to create a trusting relationship, where the client knows the adviser understands the products he sells and has the client’s interests at heart. One of the ways an adviser can do this is by answering the client’s questions, and a client is more likely to ask questions face-to-face.
All of the other elements do not necessarily require face-to-face meetings.

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[1056997] You are the financial adviser of a new client. After carrying out a thorough fact-finding exercise, you have established that your client has strong ethical beliefs that he would like to be reflected within the portfolio you are constructing on his behalf. Your client would also like an international mix within his portfolio. In order to produce a valid benchmark to which you can compare the portfolio’s performance, which of the following is NOT an index that you might use?
AThe FTSE 4Good Index BThe FTSE KLD400 index CThe EIRIS index DThe Calvert index


The correct answer is: C - The EIRIS index
The Ethical Investment Research Service (EIRIS) provides research and guidance to organisations and investors interested in such an investment approach. It is an organisation, not an index - though it can offer assistance to firms wishing to construct composite indices to assess performance. The other three indices mentioned are specifically designed to capture shares of companies with strong social, environmental and ethical credentials.

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[1040954] In core satellite management, the correct description would be that:
AThe core portfolio is managed actively, and the satellites passively BThe core portfolio is managed semi-actively, and the satellites passively CThe core portfolio is managed passively, and the satellites actively DThe core portfolio is managed passively, and satellites passively


The correct answer is: C - The core portfolio is managed passively, and the satellites actively
The core can also be managed semi-actively.

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[1056996] The RDR requirements of the FCA changed the nature of the way in which advisers are paid for giving investors advice. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the new remuneration regime for advisers?
ANew RDR requirements are specifically aimed at addressing the potential for adviser remuneration to change consumer outcomes. BAdvisers should disclose those charges to consumers up front, using some form of price list or tariff and confirming the specific amount to be paid later on CThe new RDR remuneration regime applies equally to both advised and non-advised services DThe new remuneration regime is specifically intended to reduce the threat of product or provider bias to the suitability of the advice being sold to the investor


The correct answer is: C - The new RDR remuneration regime applies equally to both advised and non-advised services
Non-advised services, or execution-only sales, where no advice or recommendation is given, fall outside of the adviser-charging regime.

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[4027307] Which of the following is an advantage of robo-advisers?
AEasy account setup BOne-size-fits-all solution CIdeal for complex portfolios DLimitations in technology


The correct answer is: A - Easy account setup
Advantages of Using a Robo-Adviser

  • Easy account setup
  • Automated process
  • Low minimum balances
  • Low fees and charges
  • Provide a variety of financial solutions
  • Tax efficient
  • Remove behavioural biases from investing activities

[1017685] Frank Ortiz is very risk averse and does not want to lose any of his capital. Which of the following do you recommend?
AGilts priced above par BHedge fund CUnit trust DDeposit account


The correct answer is: D - Deposit account
Deposit accounts do not expose the investor’s capital to risk, generally speaking. Gilts priced below par would also be considered to be a very low-risk investment.


[1017684] Dana and Brad Tanner, both 40 years old, have recently inherited £100,000. They have approached you, as their adviser, for financial advice. Dana and Brad currently have a mortgage of £150,000 on which they are paying a variable interest rate of 6.25% pa. They are very risk averse and have no investments, other than a cash savings account and a joint life assurance policy linked to their mortgage. You estimate that their £100,000 is likely to generate 4.75% on deposit at current rates. What would be the most suitable advice to give to the clients regarding the £100,000?
AConsider investing 25% of the funds over the medium- to long-term to obtain a higher return and place the rest on deposit BConsider investing 50% of the funds over the medium- to long-term to obtain a higher return and place the rest on deposit CInvest all the funds in a deposit account at the 4.75% rate DPay-off the amount from their mortgage


The correct answer is: D - Pay-off the amount from their mortgage
Given no other information about the investor’s circumstances, this seems the best solution. The interest on the mortgage is far higher than any return that they could expect from low risk investments.


[1017695] Which of the following is not an objective of the FCA?
APromote effective competition BConsumer protection CIntegrity DAvoid instability


The correct answer is: D - Avoid instability
In the exam, the FCA’s operational objectives are three fold:
- Appropriate protection for consumers - Protecting and enhancing the integrity of the UK financial system - Promote effective competition
Note: Avoid instability is a PRA objective.


[4027303] Which of the following best reflects the goal of the Commission on Environmental , Social and Governance (CESG)?
ATo integrate ESG issues in relation to corporate performance into the traditional investment analysis BTo challenge the profit maximisation culture of traditional economics CTo hold the governing bodies of companies to account for breaches in socially responsible behaviour DTo ensure politial perspectives are aligned with industry goals


The correct answer is: A - To integrate ESG issues in relation to corporate performance into the traditional investment analysis
CESG main objective is to facilitate the integration aspects of ESG issues in relation to corporate performance into investment
processes. Members are predominantly fund managers, financial analysts and equity sector specialists and the committee
has been considering processes that need to become more and more a part of traditional investment analysis (mainstreaming).


[1017618] Which of the following is NOT an example of negative criteria in respect of socially responsible investments?
AGambling BIntensive farming CHarvesting of tropical hardwoods DEqual opportunities


The correct answer is: D - Equal opportunities
Equal opportunities is clearly a positive criterion.


[1017616] What does EIRIS stand for?
AEthical International Research Service BEthical International Research Investment Service CEthical Investment Research Service DEthical Investment Research International Service


The correct answer is: C - Ethical Investment Research Service
The organisation EIRIS (the Ethical Investment Research Service) provides research and guidance for organisations and investors interested in such an investment approach.


[1040947] If a charity trustee is not invoking any of the powers granted in the Trustee Act, which of the following is true?
AThe Trustee Act specifies certain recommended practices which can be followed BTheTrustee Act specifies certain mandatory practices which must be followed CThe Trustee Act is not applicable and can be ignored DThe Trustee Act is not applicable and must be ignored


The correct answer is: B - TheTrustee Act specifies certain mandatory practices which must be followed
The Trustee Act defines certain standards that must be followed regardless.


[4088885] In respect of vulnerable clients, which of the following is not a key driver of vulnerability?
AHealth BResilience CLife events DWealth


The correct answer is: D - Wealth
The four key drivers of vulnerability are:

Life events

[1040953] Which of the following is not a stage in top down active management? AManagement selection BAsset allocation CSector selection DStock selection
The correct answer is: A - Management selection Explanation The top down stages refers to the points after the manager has been selected.
[1017620] It is argued that, over the long-term, socially responsible and ethical investment strategies may actually outperform. What is the reasoning behind this theory? AThese strategies are gaining popularity and will become more widely recognised over the long-term BThese strategies need the longer term to ride out economic cycle effects on returns CThese strategies are costly to put in place but will reap benefits over the long-term DThese strategies tend to promote strong internal governance within firms, which means better overall management controls
The correct answer is: D - These strategies tend to promote strong internal governance within firms, which means better overall management controls Explanation Popularity is not a solid provider of returns on investment. Investors will always look at the fundamentals of a company and the potential to generate profits. These strategies would cost no more than any other carefully constructed portfolio. Socially and ethically responsible investments cover companies in many sectors. Some will take longer to ride out the economic cycle than others - just the same as less responsible companies. Strong internal governance is the reason supported in the reading material.
[1017692] Which fund is likely to have the lowest charges? AHedge Fund BVenture Capital Trust CActive Equity fund DIndex Tracker Fund
The correct answer is: D - Index Tracker Fund Explanation Index tracking, or indexation, is a form of passive management and necessitates the construction of an equity portfolio to track, or mimic the performance of a recognised equity index. Indexation is undertaken on the assumption that securities markets are efficiently priced and cannot, therefore, be consistently outperformed. Consequently, no attempt is made to forecast future events or outperform the broader market. Once set up, passive portfolios are generally less expensive to run than active portfolios, given a lower ratio of staff to funds managed and lower portfolio turnover.
4027305] Which of the following is most likely to be a positive social factor in relation to ESG investing? AA commitment to a fair balance of females and males on the board of directors BThe commitment to zero carbon targets rather than carbon neutral CThe interrogation of supply lines to ensure fair wages for workers DProviding services in house to minimise interaction with the wider community
The correct answer is: C - The interrogation of supply lines to ensure fair wages for workers Explanation The interrogation of supply lines to ensure fair wages for workers is a positive social factor. Providing services in house to minimise interaction with the wider community is neutral at best and possibly negative, as the community will not benefit from the trade. The commitment to zero carbon targets rather than carbon neutral is a positive environmental factor. A commitment to a fair balance of females and males on the board of directors is a positive governance factor.
[1017617] Which of the following will allow the tailoring of portfolio construction to ethical and/or socially responsible aims? ASelf-invested personal pension BUnit trust COpen-ended investment company DLife company fund
The correct answer is: A - Self-invested personal pension Explanation 'Self-invested' means the investor chooses the assets, giving the flexibility to tailor the portfolio to an individual's specific preferences and strategies.
[1017691] If two fund choices have similar asset allocations and fund structures, what would be the deciding factor in choosing between them? APast performance BService CTotal expense ratios DProvider inducements[1017691] If two fund choices have similar asset allocations and fund structures, what would be the deciding factor in choosing between them? APast performance BService CTotal expense ratios DProvider inducements
The correct answer is: C - Total expense ratios Explanation One would expect the gross performance of these funds to be similar. However, the net returns (returns received by the investor) may differ, due to the costs and charges incurred. Under the European Commission's UCITS directive, the simplified prospectus must include disclosure of initial charges and exit charges as well as ongoing fund charges. The European Commission has recommended that the latter are disclosed through the total expense ratio (TER). TER is only a measure of ongoing charges, not initial charges. UK firms are therefore also required to include additional charges disclosures, which in the UK consist of a table showing the effect of charges in monetary terms and a reduction in yield (RIY) statistic.
[1001470] Which of the following may be taken into account under the 'know your customer' principle when trying to understand a client's profile and needs in relation to investing? IPersonal details IIIncome IIIAssets and liabilities IVExpectations AI, II and III BI, III and IV CI, II and IV DAll of the above
The correct answer is: D - All of the above Explanation All of the choices are relevant to the KYC policy.
[1040945] Which of the following would likely be considered an unsuitable investment for a charity trustee? ABuying interest bearing loans BLeasing property with a view to sub-leasing CPurchasing land with a view to leasing DHolding equity
The correct answer is: B - Leasing property with a view to sub-leasing Explanation The emphasis is placed on investments that provide short-term income to meet the liquidity needs of the charity. Purchased land could be leased out to provide short term income and it is likely to appreciate over the long term. Leased land may not be able to be sublet so this would be a short term cost without short term income and it is likely to reduce in value over the long term, depleting capital.
[1017698] When a firm fails to resolve a complaint from a client, the client has the right to escalate that complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Which of the following best illustrates how the FOS will handle the complaint? AThe FOS will investigate the complaint in partnership with the firm. It will make a decision that becomes regulatory guidance on the firm BThe FOS will investigate the complaint using evidence from the client and the firm. The FCA will make the decision that is binding on the firm CThe FOS will investigate the complaint in consultation with the client. The RDC will make the decision that is binding on the firm DThe FOS will investigate the complaint using evidence from the client and the firm. It will make the decision that is binding on the firm
The correct answer is: D - The FOS will investigate the complaint using evidence from the client and the firm. It will make the decision that is binding on the firm Explanation The FOS will investigate the complaint, looking at evidence from both customer and provider, and make a decision, which is then binding on the provider.
The correct answer is: D - The FOS will investigate the complaint using evidence from the client and the firm. It will make the decision that is binding on the firm Explanation The FOS will investigate the complaint, looking at evidence from both customer and provider, and make a decision, which is then binding on the provider.
The correct answer is: B - Musharaka Explanation The terms are agreed in advance, and losses are pegged to the amount invested. Murabaha refers to a form of interest-free credit. Ijara-wa-Iqtina refers to a leasing agreement where the client can buy the item at the period end. Ijara is similar except that the client cannot buy the item at the end.