Chapter 7 Flashcards
FQ.1: How might sophisticated eyes like ours may have evolved from primitive beginnings?
- In some ancient animals, photoreceptors became concentrated in a spot under the skin.
- By developing through generations, they have developed the ability to react to shadows as well.
- The skin covering these eye-spots became transparent to enable clear vision and let in more light.
- These receptor accumulations then moved deeper, inside liquid filled cavities to reduce glare and enable the animal to detect the direction the light is coming from.
- One of the membranes covering the eye became thicker to form a lens. This lens later became capable of reflecting shapes and images onto the photoreceptors.
- Enhancement of eyes, along with proper nervous adaptations
FQ.2: How do the cornea, iris, and lens help to form images on the retina?
- The cornea helps focus the light that passes through it.
- The iris, thanks to its muscle fibres, can change the diameter of the pupil, to let more or less light inside.
- The lens adds to the focusing process, but changes its shape depending on the distance of the focus to adapt better.
FQ.3: How are cones and rods distributed on the retina, and how do they respond to light?
- Cones are more concentrated in the fovea area, where the reflection of vision primarily falls. Further from the fovea, their concentration decreases.
- Cones are specialised in vision in brightness;
- Rods exist everywhere in the retina except fovea.
- Rods detect vision in dim light.
FQ.4: How do rod vision and cone vision differ?
- Cone vision allows us to have a bright and acute vision of our surroundings during day;
- Rod vision gives us a more vague vision but enables us to tell important details apart in dim light or darkness.
FQ.5: What is the chemical basis for dark adaptation and light adaptation? Why do we see mostly with cones in bright light and with rods in dim light?
- Photochemical of rods, rhodopsin, are much more sensitive to light than photochemicals of cones. Intense light causes rhodopsin to break down, rendering the rods inactive. Therefore, we see entirely with cones in bright light.
- In dim light, rhodopsin regenerates in around 25 minutes to activate rods again and allow dark vision.
- Cone photochemicals go through the same process as well, but exhibit much, much smaller changes than that of rods.
FQ.6: How does the trichromatic theory explain the three-primaries law? How was the theory
validated by the discovery of three cone types?
- Trichromatic theory argues that three different types of receptors are responsible for detecting light belonging to different portions of the wavelength spectrum.
- This theory would automatically affirm the three-primaries law (three primary light colors make up all colors we see)
- the theory, as well as the law are indeed correct, confirmed by the discovery of three different types of cone receptors which are responsible for detecting different wavelengths.
FQ.7: Why does vision in some people obey a two-primaries law rather than the three-primaries law,
and why are these people not good at picking cherries? How does the color vision of most nonprimate
mammals, and that of most birds, differ from that of most humans?
- A defect in the gene responsible for the production of photochemicals can cause the lack of these chemicals, therefore to a condition called colour blindness.
- Most of these people have difficulty distinguishing
colours ranging from green to red (500-700 nm) and therefore would not be able to distinguish red
cherries among green leaves, relying on colour. - Most nonprimate mammals have only two types of
cones and have hardships at distinguishing upper wavelength colours. - most birds have a fourth type of photoreceptor which allows them to see ultraviolet light since they rely heavily on sight during flight, hunting and feeling; their hatchlings have ultraviolet mouths so their parents can distinguish them from afar.
FQ.8: How does the opponent-process theory explain (a) the law of complementarity in color mixing
and (b) the complementarity of afterimages?
- some colours – complementary ones, when mixed, won’t produce a new one but get paler and closer to white
- Hering attempted to explain this with physiological structures that are either inhibited or excited
according to the wavelength; and complementary colours would produce opposite effects on these units. - Color receptors get fatigued when looking at a stable image for a long time, and when the vision is
directed onto a neutral surface – like a white sheet of paper – the fatigued receptor of a pair of complementary
receptors does not respond immediately, causing us to see the negative coloured afterimage of the
previous one; this creates the complementarity of afterimages.
FQ.9: How has the opponent-process theory been validated in studies of the activity of neurons that
receive input from cones?
- Apparently the eye really contains three different types of cone cells, which reaffirms the first theory;
- however these cones feed into the ganglion cells in a pattern that translates the trichromatic code into
an opponent-process code. - Receptors that respond best to opposite colors feed into the same ganglion cells with opposite effects.
FQ.10: How can you know what an infant sees? What methods can be used to determine visual acuity
in young babies?
- Babies have not fully developed the ability to accommodate their lenses, look with both eyes at the same focus or follow moving objects with their eyes; however they catch up to each and all of these
adaptations within 6 months. - Even before these dates, babies have been observed to react differently tonsufficiently different visual stimuli, and to look at it more when presented with a new one. These
observations have led us to try babies’ visions with different patterns (bull’s eyes vs. checkerboards etc.)
to see how they discriminate between them.
FQ.11: What are experience-expectant processes, and how do they relate to the development of
- Infants of varying species are born with pre-set expectations as to what kind of stimuli they will receive;
and they adapt and develop according to this stimuli. - If these processes are not interrupted,
the postnatal visual development is advanced and completed healthily. - If they are deprived of necessary visual stimuli,
they have visual impairments varying in degree of reversibility.
FQ.12: What kinds of stimulus features influence the activity of neurons in the primary visual cortex?
The colour, shape, contouring, angle, movement and its relation to the background determine the
neurons that become activated.
FQ.13: What is the difference between parallel processing and serial processing? What role does each
play in Treisman’s feature-integration theory of perception?
- Detection of features occurs through parallel processing.
- This occurs instantaneously and on all the
stimulus array. Primitive individual features are picked up separately. - The integration of features involves
serial processing, which occurs sequentially, at one spatial area at a time. Attention to individual objects is necessary. Individually picked up features are joined together here.
FQ.14: How do pop-out phenomena and mistakes in joining features provide evidence for Treisman’s
- Pop-out phenomena indicates parallel processing, which makes it easy to detect one single difference in
primary features no matter how many distractors there are. - However, when two or more features are
joined and a single distinct object is the target, it takes longer to find it, which indicates that the joining
of these features involve serial processing. - Moreover, when people are presented with simple shapes for brief moments, they can memorise all the basic components; however they sometimes confuse which
features belonged together to form a single object. - This indicates that parallel processing can occur in
such brief time but serial processing takes more time and conscious effort
FQ.15: What are some principles of grouping proposed by Gestalt psychologists, and how does each help explain our ability to see whole objects?
- Principle of proximity describes our tendency to see accumulated objects as a part of a larger object.
- Principle of similarity involves stimulus elements that are similar or different; the similar ones are perceived as parts of the same object whereas different ones are distinguished.
- Principle of closure describes our tendency to perceive overlapping pierced or half forms as complete ones, and ignore the gaps in the borders.
- The principle of good continuation involves the grouping of intersecting lines as single, smoother, longer ones rather than disconnected or sharply bent ones.
- Principle of common movement describes the tendency to perceive singular elements moving at the same speed to the same direction as parts of a whole larger element.
- Principle of good form describes our tendency to perceive rather symmetric objects as singular ones whereas asymmetric forms as overlapping or conjoined more simple shapes.
- All these principles help distinguish, integrate, analyse, follow and derive meaning from forms and shapes we see to create meaningful images in our heads.