Chapter 7 - 13 Flashcards
In theravada Buddhism the term is a “Buddha in the making” a being intended for enlightenment. Aperson must manifest the innate qualities necessare and then take the Great Vow of compassion for all living beings, Any one has the potential because anyone may take the vow. However,it takes lives to fulfill the vow
The devotional School
based on a Sanskrit text that tells the story of the heavenly Buddha,Amitabha (infinite light) who resides in a celestial region known as the Western Paradise. A rich, fertile,heavenly place with jeweled palaces,inhabited only by gods and men, not ghosts or demons
Pure Land Buddhism
teaches skepticism about ordinary language and mocks attempts to explain truth rationally. roots can be traced to the meditation practiced by the doctrine of sunyata (emptiness). “mind to Mind”
Zen Buddhism
every individual has the nature of the Buddha. we deceive ourselves into thinking we are not Buddha, The problem is to overcome rational thinking
Zen Worldview
A mahayaa Buddhist text stressing that the true Buddha is the cosmic Buddha who wants to show compassion for all beings
lotus Sutra
the traditional homeland of the Sikhs, now divided between Pakistan and India
A movement within Judaism, active in the last centuries B.C.E. and first century C.E., composed of priests and their supporters; opposed by the pharisees
Ruler and subject, parent and child,husband and wife,elder and younger brother,friend and friend.
Five Basics of Relationships of Confucianism
An ancronym from the Hebrew names for the three sections of the Hebrew Biblle- Torah, Prophets, Writings: used as a designtion for the Hebrew bible
Arabic for “struggle exertion”, referring to the obligation of all Muslims to struggle against error and idolaty. the “greater”_ is the individual’s personal struggle; the “lesser”_ is the struggle of the Muslim community to defend itself against those who would destroy he faith.
“persians”, the name for the Zoroastrian community in India
Buddhist monks use this term _ to describe ordinary “rational Mind”. Like a monkey in the jungle, jumping from branch to branch, our undisciplined minds hop from thought to thought, responding to the stimuli around us.
monkey mind
poetry, in which a single breath, the poet expresses an immediate experience of a single moment. ex:
“An ancient pond!
A frog leaps in;
The sound of Water!”
the source of everything, shines forever and on all with brilliance of its own perfection.
pure mind
sacred picture, often in the form of a circle
a type of Buddhism is actually a group of schools that trace their origin to a 13th century Buddhist named Zennichimaro (sun lotus). He studied all forms of Buddhism popular in Japan & found the Lotus Sutra to be the supreme Buddhist teaching
Nichiren called on people of all backgrounds to show their faith in the Buddha reciting “Hail to the wonderful truth of the Lotus Sutra”
Namu myo-ho-renge-kyo
A drum into which are placed written prayers and pages from Buddhist sutras. To turn the crak of the drum energizes the words and is considered an act of devotion to the Buddhas as well as an effective wa to ward off evil. Ingenious moks design water wheels that will perpetually turn their prayers
Prayer Wheel
Shinto comes from to Chinese words that mean _ (Shen and doa)
“Way of the Spirits”
no central authority establishin a prescribed set of beliefs in Shinto. Shinto has different meanings for different people.
Shinto Worldview
a woman shaman ( of popular Japanese religion)
From the left eye of Izanago came the deity most revered in Japan, the sun goddess
It was developed in the Kamakura period, and systematized Tokugawa period. Although it has been compared to the medieval European knight of chivalry, it has a decidedly East Asian character. The unwritten code bound the samurai to their feudal lords with loyalty and to nature with reverence. Some of the virtues associated with bushido, in addition to loyalty and reverence, are courage, truthfulness, respect, and justice. The most famous bushido virtue is honor.
busido code
The introduction of Western values that followed the foreced reopening of Japan by American Naval forces under _ _ in 1853 led to a reactio othat sought to secure Shinto as the national ideology
Commodore Perry
Japanese warrior
Arabic for “cube”; the central shrine of Islam, located in the Grand Mosque of Mecca. It symbolizes the center of the world and is visited by Muslims on the hajj.
In an indigenous religion, a holy person who, having been “possessed” or “taken over” by spiritual powers, becomes an intermediary between the spirit world and the people
Religion that influenced Judaism, Christianity, and islam
began in the Middle East.
Religion that influenced Judaism, Christianity, and islam
began in the Middle East. Themonotheistic religion founded in ancient Persia after the one God (known as Ahura Mazda) spoe to the prophet Zarathustra. in a vision and commissian community in Mumbai.
Islam’s “the final messenger of God”
began about 1300, took control of much of the middle east as a portion of its vast holdings. was at its pinnacle during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Ottoman Empire
Zoroastrian houses of worship
Fire temples
Reflection on he “end time” is known as ______.
Arabic for “the guided one”; in Islam in general, a descendant of the prophet Muhammad who will restore justice on earth. In Shi’ite Islam, a messianic Immam who will appear in order to end corruption.
The smaller of the two main divisions of Islam; split over the issue of rightful succession to the prophet Muhammad.
Shi’ite Islam
the “mystical” movement within Islam
Sufi Muslim
a puzzle used in Zen Meditation
Hebrew for “learning”; in Judaism, the collection composed of the Mishnah and further interpretation (Gemara). Constitutes the fullest expression of the oral Torah.
A party within Judaism, active in the last century B.C.E and first century C.E., composed of laypeople dedicated to keeping the commandments of the written and oral Torahs; opposed by the Sadducess. Contemporary Judaism understood by the Pharisees.
Reffering to authoritative, right beliefs in Judaism
Orthodox Jews
The Jewish holy day, which begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday, commemorating the “day of rest” after the six days of creation
Jewish Sabboth
Issac’s son, husband of Rachel and Leah. He is also called Israel (“he who wrestles with God”:) His 12 sons are remembered as the ancestors of the 12 tribes that would make up the nation of Israel.
One of the main people in Exodus, this man led the descendants of Abraham out of bondage in Egypt. The Lord instructs him to confront the Egyptian Pharaoh and demand that he set the Hebrews free. People escape Egypt, God gives this man the 10 commandments and promises to be the Lord of this nation and protect them, if the people agree to follow his laws.
Can refer to the other name Jacob goes by
Means “he who wrestles with God”;
In the name of the nation is the notion of a people who wrestle with God, an apt description for the relationship described in he Tanak.
By the second century B.C.E., a Seleucid dynasty based in Syria controlled the Jewish homeland. The emperor Antiochus Epiphanes enacted a particularly ruthless poicy of Hellenization. In reaction, some Jews mounted a revolt, led by the Hasmonean family. It became known as the ___ ____ ( meaning “hammerer”, assigned to the first of the Hasmoneon military rulers,Judas.) In 164 B.C.E, in December, Judas’s forces liberated the Temple.
Maccabean Revolution
The name ___ actually came into existence after the nation Israel was conquered and the people had lost their national identity as “Israel.” Judaism referred originally to the religion of the people of the Persian province of Judea.
The idea of the coming of a messiah who would lead Jews back to a restored Israel was dropped.
Reform Jewish Movement
(baptism for the second time) comes from the practice of baptizing people as adults rather than infants. Best known for advocacy of pacifism and the strict separation of church and state. Many of these groups have been persecuted for their beliefs.
In Scottland, ___ ____ , John Knox, led a movement that ultimately resulted in the creation of the Church of Scotland, which in turn inspired Presbyterian comes from the New Testament word for “elders”, and refers to the bellief that the government of the church should be veted in ordained elders chosen by the people rather than bishops.
John Calvin
_____ __ _____(1545-1563) set forth positions in opposition to those taken by Protestant reformers. Also reaffirmed that several books if the Old Testament were indeed scripture. Stated that the tradition of the Catholic church had equal authority with Scripture.
Council of Trent
Neo-Thomism had more success in winning official acceptance, for its interpretation of the teachings of ______ ______ using modern developments in philosophy and science.
Thomas Aquinas
who was elected pontiff in 1978, was the first non-Italian pope in modern history. He particularly identified with the plight of the poor and oppressed of the world and was a strong supporter of traditional teachings on birth control and other matters of personal morality
John Paul II
of Nazareth was a Jewish rabbi from the region of Galilee int the first century, who attracted a small band of followers through his ministry of healing and teaching. After a short ministry he was executed y Roman authorities. Son of God
Jesus Christ
traditional catholic teachings include _________, a place of purification for those who die while still in a state of sin. I is believed that prayers for the souls of the dead can help attain purification and pass from _______ into heaven.
first to express clearly the view that humans inherit sin of Adam and Eve. He developed the theory of “original sin” to counter another Christian theologian’s view that all humans are born free from sin, and may choose between good and evil.
2nd fastest growing religion in the world. meaning submission and peace
Muhammad beginning his journey from Mecca to to Medina marks the beginning of this. Depends on the movement of the moon today
Muslim Calendar
Manzi refers to a geographical location in _____ _____.
South China
Kabair, was born a muslim and reverted to hundu analysis of the human predicament while rejecting the authority of the Vedas in resolving it. Kabir combined Hindu bhakti devotionalism with Muslim Sufi mysticism and taught a path of love of God, which leads to absorption into the divine. He carried his message across the north Indian plain, winning devotees to the synthesis of the two religions.
Modernist, or progressive, movement, which arose in nineteenth-century Egypt and India, have tried to steer a middle course between extreme Islamist conservatism and secularist. they have argued fr a return to the basic values of Islam in order to bring democracy and justice to society, while turning away from customs (such as the segregation of men and women) that have developed in Muslim societies over the centuries.
Progressive islam Movement
spiritual guidance