Chapter 62 (Respiratory Distress) And 63 (Hemoptysis) Flashcards
Polypeptide secreted by ventricular myocytes in response to volume expansion and pressure overload (increases with hearft failure, MI, sepsis, PE, COPD or right heart strain)
Musical adventitious lung sounds produced by airflow through central and distal airways, more prominent on exhalation.
Defined as an abnormally low arterial oxygen tension (PaO2<60mmHg)
Occurs when lungs and ventilatory muscles cannot move enough air in and out of alveoli to adequately oxygemate arterial blood and elimate carbon dioxide.
Respiratory Failure
Dyspnea in upright which results from loss of abdominal wall muscle tone, and from right to left intracardiac shunting.
Patient’s subjective sensation of dyspnea with signs indicating difficulty breathing.
Respiratory Distress
Cough present for > 8 weeks
Chronic Cough
Expectoration on blood from the lungs or tracheobronchial tree.
Initial imaging modality for patients with hemoptysis.
Chest XRay
A false aneurysm of dilated tortuous branches of pulmonary arteries crossing the wall of a tuberculous cavity.
Rasmussen’s Aneurysm
Necrotic destruction of tissue resulting in cavitary fungal balls.
Aspergillus Infection
Blood loss in Massive Hemoptysis
600ml / 24hours (Range: 100 - > 1000ml/hour)
Treatment for severe hemoptysis
Airway control and emergency bronchoscopy
Involuntary spastic contraction of inspiratory muscles.
Hiccups (aka Singultus)
Amount of pleural fluid in the hemithorax required to be detectable on upright chest xray.
150 - 200ml