Chapter 6: Understand Consumer and Business Markets Flashcards
consumer behavior
The process involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires.
problem recognition
The process that occurs whenever the consumer sees a significant difference between his or her current state of affairs and some desired or ideal state; this recognition initiates the decision-making process.
evaluative criteria
The dimensions consumers use to compare competing product alternatives.
brand loyalty
A pattern of repeat product purchases, accompanied by an underlying positive attitude toward the brand, based on the belief that the brand makes products superior to those of its competition.
consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction
The overall feelings or attitude a person has about a product after purchasing it.
social graph
A graph representing social relations between people or other entities. A social graph is a representation of a social network. The social graph is “the global mapping of
everybody and how they are related.”
data driven disruptive marketing
Relationship-oriented marketing where the use of data and the content of marketing is used to build trust.
he values, beliefs, customs, and tastes a group of people produces or practices.
A group within a society whose members share a distinctive set of beliefs, characteristics, or common experiences.
Groups of consumers who identify with a specific activity or art form.
The process by which people select, organize, and interpret information from the outside world.
subliminal advertising
Supposedly hidden messages in marketers’ communications.
rich media
A digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features, like video and audio elements, that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content.
hierarchy of needs
An approach that categorizes motives according to five levels of importance, the more basic needs being on the bottom of the hierarchy and the higher needs at the top.
A strategy in which marketers apply game design techniques, like awarding points, badges, or levels, to nongame experiences in order to engage consumers.
A learned predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably to stimuli on the basis of relatively enduring evaluations of people, objects, and issues.
The pattern of living that determines how people choose to spend their time, money, and energy and that reflects their values, tastes, and preferences.
B2B markets
business to business
The customers include manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and other organizations.
North American industry classification system
The numerical coding system that the United States, Canada, and Mexico use to classify firms into detailed categories according to their business activities.
customer reference program
A formalized process by which customers formally share success stories and actively recommend products to other potential clients, usually facilitated through an online community.
The business buying process of obtaining outside vendors to provide goods or services that otherwise might be supplied in-house.