Chapter 6 - The Personnel of the English Legal System Flashcards
Which act and section states that Secretary of State of Justice is appointed by the Queen following recommendation of Prime Minister ?
s2 Constitutional Reform Act 2005
What Prime Minister take into account when appointing Lord Chancellor ?
experience as Minister of the Crown;
experience as member of either House of Parliament;
experience as qualifying practitioner;
experience as teacher of law in a university ;
other experience.
Function of Lord Chancellor - Justice of the Supreme Court ?
Committee selects senor judges and send report to Lord chancellor.
He discuss with Scottish and Welsh First Minister.
under The Supreme Court (Judicial Appointments) Regulation Act 2013 -
Other functions of the Lord Chancellor ?
protecting the rule of law s1 Constitutional Reform Act 2005
Independence of the judiciary s3 Constitutional Reform Act 2005
strategy on criminal justice reform
human rights
Function of the Secretary of State of Justice ?
Responsible for Ministry of Justice
The courts
Prisons and prohibition
Legal Aid
Justice of Supreme Court sits ?
Supreme Court
Lord Justices of Appeal sits ?
Court of Appeal
Divisional Court of the High Court
High Court Judges
High Court
Crown Court
Family Court
Divisional Court of the High Court
Circuit Court
County Court
Crown Court
Family Court
County Court
Crown Court
Family Court
District Judge (Magistrates’ court )
Magistrates’ Court
Family Court
Family Court
District Court
County Court
Family Court
Chartered legal executive who have met the judicial - appointment eligibility appointment for 5 years can …?
District Judge (Magistrates’ Courts)
District Judge
Deputy District Judge (Magistrates’ Courts)
Deputy District Court
Judicial Appointment Commission was established under ?
Constitutional Reform Act 2005
How many days Magistrates are expected to sit per year ?
26 half-day sitting
How many Magistrates’ sits together and what are the called ?
3 - they are called ‘‘bench ‘’
Juries are used in ?
Crown Court
What is ‘‘challenge for cause’’?
juror has been disqualified
Secrecy of jury discussions ? Act?
Juries Act 1974
Secrecy of the trial ? Act?
Official Secrets Act 1911
Lawyer, what are those ?
Chartered legal executives
The Legal Service Board explain ?
Independent from government
The Office for Legal Complaints explain ?
it supervise the Legal Ombudsman
Award up to £50,000 in compensation
Qualifying as barrister ?
Academic stage Inn of Court Vocational stage Call to the Bar Pupillage
Vocational stage (Barrister ), student must pass …?
Bar Course aptitude Test
Barrister are regulated by ?
Bar Standards Board
Qualifying as Solicitor ?
1.Academic Stage
Qualifying law degree or non-law plus Graduate Diploma Examination or Fellow of Cilex
2. Vocational Stage (2 years training ) LPC (1 year full time or 2 years part time)
3. Admission as a Solicitor
Solicitors can represent in what Courts ?
Magistrates’ Courts, the County Court , the Family Court, tribunals, Coroner’s Court.
* specialised Solicitors in litigation are able to represent in the Crown Court, Hight Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court
Solicitors are regulated by ?
Solicitor Regulation Authority (SRA)