Chapter 6 Social Structure Theory Flashcards
What are the different elements of the U.S social strcture?
Describe the association between social structure and crime.
What are the elements of social disorganzation theory?
What are the views of Shaw?
What are the views of McKay?
What are the various elements of ecological theory?
What is the association between collective efficacy and crime?
What does the term anomie mean?
What is the concept of negative affective stress.
Discuss the elements of cultural deviance theory.
Stratified society
People grouped according to economic or social class; characterized by the unequal distribution of wealth, power and prestige.
Discuss the concept of strain.
the anger , fustration and resnetment eperienced by people who believe thay cannot achieve their goals through legitimae means.
Social class
segment of the population whose members are at the relatively similar economic level and who share attitudes, value, norms, and an identifiable lifestyle
Social structure theory
the root cause of crime can be found in the nation’s socioeconomic makeup
root cause of crime can be traced directly to the socioeconomic disadvantages that have become embedded in american society.
the view that disagvantage economic class posotion is a primary cause of crime.
Culture of poverty
a separate lower class culture characterized by apthy, cynicism, helplessness, and mistrust of social institutions such as school, goverment agencies, and the police, that is passed from one generation to the next.