Chapter 6: Skeletal System Exam Review Flashcards
Appendicular Skeleton
arm bones, leg bones, pelvic and shoulder gridles
Axial Skeleton
skull, vertebrae, ribs
aka joints
where bones connect to each other
sometimes points of movement
sac of synovial membranes beneath tendons
shaft along long bones
discs at the junction of diaphysis w/ each epiphysis
closure of discs means all of cartilage matrix of the discs have been replaced by bone matrix and growth in length stops
ends of diaphysis
“soft spots”; incomplete ossification of the skull and are areas of fibrous connective tissue
Allows for brain to grow after birth and permits compression of the baby’s head to exit the birthing canal
Haversian system
osteons; microscopic cylinders of bone matrix w/ osteocytes in center
connects bones together
starts in middle of bone and replaces soft cartilage w/ compact bone
produce bone cells
production of bone matrix is done by osteoblasts
destroy bone cells
Paranasal sinus
air cavities in maxilla, frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones
lines bone in areas not covered by articular cartilage
made of fibrous connective tissue
contains collagen that enters the bone itself
anchors the tendons that connect muscle to bone and the ligaments that connect bone to bone
in between cranial bones and are immovable articulations
the production of something
ex: protein synthesis
Synovial fluid
prevents friction in joint cavities
Red bone marrow
principal hematopoietic tissue that produces blood cells
essential for blood clotting and bone structure and excess stored in bones
becomes part of the salts in the bone matrix
is framework the supports the body
attached is muscles that move the skeleton
protect internal organs from mechanical injury
Ex: skull protects brain; ribs protect heart, lungs, spleen; and vertebrae protect the spinal cord
Compact bone
made of Haversian systems, which are cylindrical arrangements of osteocytes within matrix