Chapter 6 Section 1 Darwin's theory Flashcards
What is a Fossill
A fossil is the preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past
What year did Charles Darwin set sail for England
What are species
Species is a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring.
what year did Charles Darwin land on the Galapagos Islands?
What is adaption
Adaption is a trait that helps organism survive and reproduce.
What is Evoluion
The gradual change in species over time is called Evolution
What is microevolution
Microevolution changes within a species over time that allows an organism to better survive in a given environment
What is macroevolution
major evolutionary change. The term applies mainly to the evolution of whole taxonomic groups over long periods of time or new species developing
What is variation
Variation is any phenotypic or genotypic difference between individuals of the same species
homologous structures
similar structures in unrelated species that have been used as evidence for evolution from a common ancestor
What is intelligent design
an idea that life provides scientific evidence of being designed by an intelligent being as opposed to the origin of life being the result of chance combinations of molecules that organized
what is inference
Inference is the use of reasoning and experience to explain observations
what is immutability of species
immutability of species is The idea that each individual species on the planet was specially created by God and could never fundamentally change.
What is evolution
(1) change over time; the fact that most of the organisms alive today are different from organisms that existed in the past; (2) universal common descent; the hypothesis that all organisms are modified descendants of a single common ancestor in the distant past; (3) the mechanisms of biological change; the hypothesis that natural selection acting on random variations has been the principal cause of modification
the study of the development of an organism from zygote - or fertilized egg to birth