Chapter 6 - Preparing Food Flashcards
When Prepping Food
Clean and sanitize all food-contact surfaces like workstations, cutting boards, and utensils.
Prevent time-temperature abuse by:
Removing only as much food as you can prep in a short time.
Returning prepped food to the cooler or cook it.
When food has become unsafe
Thawing food in the cooler
Safest method because food stays at 41F or lower, never in TDZ.
Thawing food under submerged running water
The running water must stay below 70F and temp of food can’t go above 41F more than 4 hours.
Thawing food in the microwave
Fully cook with a conventional method after thawing in microwave.
Thawing food as part of the cooking process
Possible for items like thin frozen hamburger patties.
Thawing ROP Fish
If the fish must remain frozen, then remove fish from packaging before thawing under refrigeration or before or immediately after thawing under running water.
If using ROP fish, the fish must be frozen before, during, or after packaging and there must be a label stating the fish must be frozen until use.
Preparing Produce:
Produce should not touch surfaces exposed to raw meat, seafood, or poultry.
Wash produce thoroughly by using running water a little warmer than the produce.
When soaking or storing produce in standing water or an ice-water slurry, do not mix different food items or multiple batches of the same item.
Refrigerate and hold TCS produce at 41F or lower.
Preparing Eggs:
Use pasteurized shell eggs when prepping dishes that need little or no cooking.
Handle pooled eggs with care by cooking promptly or store correctly.
Preparing Salads Containing TCS Food:
Leftover TCS food used in salads must be cooked, held, cooled, and stored correctly.
Leftover TCS food in salads cannot be held for more than 7 days.
Preparing Ice:
Is a RTE item - must be made from water that is safe to drink.
Only use clean and sanitized containers and scoops that are stored outside of the ice machine in a clean, protected location.
Cooking Food:
Must reach the required minimum internal temperature and hold that temperature for a specific amount of time.
Check the temperature in the thickest part of the food and take at least two readings in different locations.
Minimal Internal Cooking Temp for Poultry, stuffed items, items made with cooked TCS foods, foods in the microwave:
165F instantaneously
Minimal Internal Cooking Temp for meats that are not intact, ratites, ground seafood and eggs that are hot held for service:
155F for 17 seconds.
Minimal Internal Cooking Temp for seafood, steaks and chops of pork, beef, veal, lamb, commercially raised game, shell eggs that will be served immediately:
145F for 15 seconds.
Minimal Internal Cooking Temp for large muscle meats like roasts:
145F for 4 minutes.
Minimal Internal Cooking Temp for plant foods that will be hot held:
Microwave Cooking:
Cover the food to keep it from drying out.
Rotate or stir food.
Allow food to stand for at least two minutes after cooking.
Check the temp in at least two places.
Special Cooking Practices:
Par or Partially Cooked - initial cooking should not be longer than 60 minutes.
Packaged food that contains instructions for cooking - must follow the manufacturer’s directions.
Consumer Advisories:
Statement that alerts the consumer that the dish is raw or contains raw ingredients.
Cooling Food:
A total of 6 hours to cool food from 135F to 41F.
135-70 in the first two hours.
70-41 in the remaining four hours.
Factors that Affect Cooling:
Thickness and density of the food.
Size of the food - larger items should be cut into smaller pieces.
Storage container - stainless steel and shallow pans cool quicker; plastic retains heat.
4 Methods for Cooling Food:
- Ice or cold water as an ingredient.
- Ice paddles - stir hot food with plastic paddles that have been filled with water and frozen.
- Ice water baths - place hot food in clean prep sink or large pot filled with ice water.
- Blast or tumble chillers - can be used to quickly reduce the temperature of large amounts of food.
Critical Points when Cooling Food:
Use the correct method for cooling.
Cool it quickly.
Monitor temperatures regularly while cooling.
Reheating Food:
Food reheated for hot holding - 165F for 15 seconds within a two-hour time limit.