Chapter 6 - Performance Practices Flashcards
Money and other financial rewards
fundamental part of the employment relationship, but it also relates to our needs, our emotions, and our self-concepts
Organisations reward employees for their:
membership and seniority, job status, competences, and performance
Membership-based rewards
may attract job applications but these reward objectives also tend to discourage turnover among those with the lowest performance
Rewards based on job status try to:
maintain internal equity and motivate employees to compete for promotions
however, encourages bureaucratic hierarchy, support status differences and motivates employees to compete and hoard resources
Competency-based rewards
becoming increasingly popular because they improve workforce flexibility and are consistent with the emerging idea of employability
however, tend to be subjectively measured and can result in added costs as employees learn new skills
Five ways to improve reward effectiveness
ensure that rewards are linked to work performance, rewards are aligned with performance within the employee’s control, team rewards are used where jobs are interdependent, rewards are valued by employees, and rewards have no unintended consequences
Job design
process of assigning tasks to a job, including the interdependency of those tasks with other jobs
Job specialistation
sub specialization subdivides work into separate jobs for different people
this increases work efficiency because employees master the tasks quickly, spend less time changing tasks, require less training and can be matched more closely with the jobs best suited to their skills
Job characteristics model
template for job redesign that specifics core job dimensions, psychological states and individual differences
Five core job dimensions
skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and job feedback
Contemporary job design strategies try to motivate employees through
job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment
Organisations introduce job rotation to
reduce job boredom, develop a more flexible workforce and reduce the incidence of repetitive strain injuries
Job enlargement
Increasing the number of tasks within the job
Two ways to enrich jobs are:
clustering tasks into natural groups and establishing client relationships
psychological concept represented by four dimensions: self-determination, meaning, competence and the impact of the individuals role in the organisation
Job design is a particular influence on
empowerment, particularly autonomy, task identity, task significance and job feedback
Empowerment is supported at the organizational level through
a learning orientation culture, sufficient information and resources, and corporate leaders who trust employees
process of influencing oneself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform a task
Self-leadership includes:
personal goal setting, constructive thought patterns, designing natural rewards, self-mointoring, and self-reinforcement
Constructive thought pattern
self-talk and mental imagery
Mental imagery
involves mentally practicing a task and imagining successfully performing it beforehand
More likely to apply self-leadership strategies if
people have a higher level of conscientiousness, extroversion and a positive self-concept
Intrinsic motivation
Motivation generated on its own from performance on well-designed jobs
Critical thinking skills
Ask questions Define problems objectively Examine the available evidence Avoid oversimplifying Consider alternative explanations
Building a theory in OB
developed by process of analysis and synthesis
a general set of propositions that describe interrelationships among several concepts (constructs)
3 Types of studies
Experimental - participants randomly assigned to conditions
Quasi-experimental - not randomly, naturally assigned groups
Non-experimental - survey research, observational
Requirements for causality
1) Association between variables
2) Cause precedes the effect
3) Alternative plausible explanations ruled out
Issue in Organisational Research
Multiple causation