Chapter 6: Pain Modulation Flashcards
what is pain
unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that is associated with actual or potential tissue damage
-duality based on physiological or psychological experience
function of pain
- warning for withdrawal
- alerts that something is wrong
- protective function (spasm)
goals pain treatment
- resolve underlying pathology causing pain
- modify pt perception of pain to allow participation
- allow pt to maximize functional abilities
categories of pain: nociceptive (somatic)
- activation of nociceptors found in most body tissue
- respond to mechanical and chemical stimuli
- found in skin, joint, mucles
- caused by injury, disease, surgical intervention
- “normal pain”
- treated with electrophysical agents (EPA)
categories of pain: nociceptive (visceral)
activation of nociceptors found in viscera
- referred
- diffuse and poorly localized
- specificity: not all viscera are sensative to pain
- EPA not effective
categories of Pain: neuropathic
Peripheral: disease associated with peripheral nerves (EPA treated)
- Central: due to pathological functioning of CNS
- -often delayed as in stroke, MS, parkinson’s disease
- -seldom treated EPAs
Categories: psychogenic
non organic source
-assocaited with emotional, cognitive, behavioral responses
carcinogenic pain
- caused by cancerous pathology
- EPA not effective
types of pain
- acute
- chronic
- referred
- radicular
-perception of pain is combination of unpleasant sensations with emotional and psychological reactions, but in response to noxious stimulus provocted by acute injury
acute pain
- tmie limited
- mediated through rapidly conducting pathways
- assocaited with increased sympathetic nervous system activity
- intensity: related to extent of tissue damage
- location: well organized and defined
- duration: as long as noxious stimulus persists
- serves protective function
- may impair function
treatment acute
- facilitate resolution of underlying disorder
- reduce inflammation
- modify transmission of pain from periphery to CNS
chronic pain
continuous, long term pain
-more than 12 weeks
chronic pain
duration: several months or years
symptoms: simliar to original symptoms
history of many treatment failures
-history many medications tried
-continued use of analgesics and tranquilizers despite no long term effects
-intensirty: unbearable or incapacitating
-often seeking right treatment to cure pain
chronic pain psychosocial changes
- ex
- depression
- disturbed sleep
- decreased energy
- altered moods
- etc