Chapter 6 - Organizations, Societies and the Global Flashcards
Are collectives purposely constructed to achieve particular ends
Webers theory of Rationalism: a highly rational organization with high efficiency.
Authorities Structures and Bureaucracies
Dominations: the probability that commands will be obeyed
Authority: Legalistic Dominations (sustained over time)
-Rational Legal (Prof over classroom)
- Traditional (Queen)
- Charismatic ( Martin Luther King)
Informal Organisations
How the organization actually works as opposed to how it ideally works
Gendered Organizations
Some women in male dominated organization hit “glass ceiling “
“Glass Elevator”: men that enter female dominated profession tend to be promoted faster than women
Deviant Organisations
- The ideal type bureaucracy makes no provision for deviant organizations or deviance within organizations
- The most heinous example of a deviant organization is the Nazi Bureaucracy
- Example of deviance within an organization include embezzlement and sexual harassment
Changes in Bureaucracy
- Many large organizations have been forced to downsize
- Contemporary organizations have become more flexible and agile
- There has been an increasing trend toward outsourcing.
Globalization and Bureaucracy
- Most organizations of any significant size have become increasingly global
- This is a challenge to any bureaucracy as it has to adapt to global relatives (offshore outsourcing)
- Examples include the McDonalds Corporation and Wal Mart
Network Organizations
Informational Technology - Horizontal structure - Fuzzy boundaries - Dispersed decision making - Flexible production
Occurs when the forces of production and consumption are linked through knowledge and information
- Technologies act on information
- Technologies have pervasive effect
- Organizations are defined by a “networking logic”
- Technologies are flexible
- Technologies are integrated
Nation & State
Nation: a group of people, linked through common descent, culture, language or territory
State: a political organizational structure
Nation State: blending both the populations that define themselves as a nation and the organization structure of the state
Global Flows
Spaces of flows:
the idea places flowing around the world
- an example is the global spread of nearly identical fast food restaurants
- global flows and globalization contribute to greater global cultural diversity
- examples: ethnoscapes, technoscapes, finances capes, mediascapes and ideoscapes