Chapter 6: New Industrial Age Flashcards
Successfully used a steam engine to drill for oil near Titusville, PA
Edwin L. Drake
Developed by Henry Bessemer (British manufacturer) and William Kelly (American Iron maker) around 1850. This was injecting air into molten iron to remove impurities. Became widely used by 1880.
Bessemer Process
Established world’s first research laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ. (1876) When he was there he perfected the incandescent light bulb (patented 1880). Then created an electrical power system to distribute and producing electricity.
Thomas Alva Edison
Invented typewriter - 1867
Christopher Shopes
Invented the telephone w/ Thomas Watson in 1876.
Alexander Graham Bell
Railroad stretching all across the country. West to the Mississippi, crosses the Missouri, meets at the promontory, Utah.
Transcontinental Railroad
Place where the Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad meet (joined on May 10, 1869).
Promontory, Utah
Noon was when the sun was directly overhead. So every community’s time was different. 1869- Professor C.F. Dowd created the four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. Adopted this as a nation standard in 1918.
Railroad time (time zones)
1880- Built a factory for manufacturing sleepers and other railroad cars on the Illinois prairie. This town provides basic needs for the workers. People wanted __________ to lower rent prices of the houses/apartments after lowering the workers’ pay, but he refused. Started huge, violent strike in 1894.
George M. Pullman
1864- A construction company formed by stockholders in the Union Pacific Railroad. They gave the company a contract to lay down track at two to three times the cost. Kept the profits and donated them to 20 Congress representatives in 1867.
Credit Mobilier
Farmers’ organization founded in 1867.
Members of the Grange.
Misuse of government land grants, fixed prices to keep farmers in their debt, charged different rates for different customers.
Railroad Abuses
Grangers fight back the railroad abuses with political action. They pressed for laws to protect their (Grangers’) interests. States won the right to regulate railroad to benefit farmers and consumers.
Munn vs. Illinois decision of 1877.
Congress passed this in 1877. Reestablished the right of the federal government to watch railroad activity.
Interstate Commerce Act of 1877
Worked his way to be private secretary to the local superintendent of the PA railroad. Was eventually able to buy stock and have a dividend of the railroad. In 1873, he entered steel business. 1899, __________ Steel Company manufactured more steal then all the factories in Great Britain. __________ became a very rich and very successful man. He did donate money to charities.
Andrew Carnegie
Process where Carnegie brought out his suppliers to control the raw materials and transportation systems.
Vertical Integration
Companies producing similar products merge.
Horizontal Integration