Chapter 6 Nerves Flashcards
Auriculotemporal Nerve
Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that affects the external ear and skin above the temple
Autonomic Nervous System
The part of the nervous system that controls the involuntary muscles, regulates the actions of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels, heart and breathing
Part of the nervous system contained in the cranium. Largest and most complex nerve tissue and control sensation
Buccal Nerve
Branch of the seventh cranial nerve that affects the muscle of the mouth
Central Nervous System
Consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves
Cervical Cutaneous Nerve
Cervical nerve located at the side of the neck; affects the front and side of neck
Cervical Nerves
Branches of the seventh cranial nerv: originate at the spinal and affect the side of the neck and the platysma muscle
Common Peroneal Nerve
A division of the sciatic nerve that extends from behind the knee to wind around the head of the fibula to the front of the leg
Deep Peroneal Nerve
Extends down the front of the leg, behind the muscles. It supplies impulses to these muscles and also to the muscles and skin on top of the foot and adjacent sides of the first and second toes
Digital Nerve
Sensory motor nerve that supplies impulses to the fingers
Dorsal Nerve
Also known as dorsal cutaneous nerve; a nerve that extends up from the toes and foot, just under the skin, supplying impulses to toes and foot, as well as the muscles and skin of the leg, where it becomes the superficial peroneal nerve.
Eleventh Cranial Nerve
Also known as accessory nerve; a motor nerve that controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles.
Fifth Cranial Nerve
Also known as trifacial nerve or trigeminal nerve; the chief sensory nerve of the face that serves as the motor nerve to the muscles that control chewing.
Greater Auricular Nerve
Cervical nerve that is located at the side of the neck; affects the face, ears, neck, and parotid gland.
Greater Occipital Nerve
Cervical nerve that is located in the back of the head; affects the face, ears, neck, and parotid gland.
Infraorbital Nerve
Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that affects the skin of the lower eyelid, side of the nose, upper lip, and mouth.
Infratrochlear Nerve
Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that affects the membrane and skin of the nose.
Mandiblular Nerve
Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that affects the muscle of the chin, lower lip, and external ear.