Chapter 6 Internal Control in a Financial Statement Audit Flashcards
COSO’s Internal Control- Integrated Framework
A system of internal control designed and carried out by and entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the acheivement of the entitys objectives in the following categories
1. Reliability, timeliness, and transparency of int and ext financial and nonfinancial reporting
2. Effectiveness and Efficiency of Operations
3. Compliance with laws and regulations
Management has the responsibility to…
Design and maintain internal controls that provide reasonable assurance that:
-the entitys assets and records are properly safeguarded
-the information system generates reliable information for decision making
auditor needs assurance about the reliability of the data generated by the information system
Auditor uses risk assessment procedures to
-obtain understanding of the entitys internal control
-identify key controls
-recognize the types of potential misstatement
-design tests of controls and substantive procedures
Auditor has the responsibility to…
-Obtain an understanding of internal control and,
-assess control risk
auditors understanding of internal control is a major factor in determining the audit strategy
5 Components of Internal Control
- Control Environment
- Entity’s risk assessment process
- Control Activities
- Information and Communication
- Monitoring Activities
Control Environment
the set of standards, processesm and structures that provides the basis for carrying out internal control across the organization.
BOD and senior management establish the tone at the top regarding the importance of internal control and expected standards of conduct
Entitys Risk Assessment process
the process for identifying and analyzing risks to achieving the entitys objectives and forms a basis for determining how risks should be managed
*important management identifies the entitys risks and takes action against them
Most important to auditor about entitys risk assessment process is how management…
-identifys risks relevant to the preparation of financial statements
-estimates their significance
-assesses the liklihood of their occurrence
-decides on how to manage them
*Includes internal and external events and circumstances that may arise and adversely affect the entity’s ability to initiate, record, process, and report financial data consistent with mgmts assertions
Control Activities
actions established by policies and procedures to help ensure that management plan to reduce risks and achieve objectives are carried out
*performed at all levels of entity and at various stages w/in the business process
Examples of control activities
-Performance reviews
-Physical Controls
-Segregation of Duties
-Information Processing Controls
*org selects and develops general control activities over technology to support the achievement of objectives
Performance Reviews
Comparison of budget to actual performance (how the business is performing)
Physical Controls
Keeping assets locked up, restriction of access to records, IT
Segregation of Duties
Separate job functions so one individual does not have too much control
*prevents the ability of an individual to commit and conceal fraud
Information Processing Controls
Information is necessary for the entity to carry out internal control responsibilities in support of achieving its objectives
Occurs both internally and externally and provides the organization with the info needed to carry out day to day internal control activities.
-enables personnel to understand internal control responsibilities and their importance to the achievement of objectives
*allows for flow of info to management
Internal Communication
communicates informations including objectives and responsibilities for int control necessary to support the functioning of internal control
External Communication
communicates with external parties regarding matters affecting the functioning of internal control
Monitoring of Controls
Ongoing evaluation, separate evaluations or a combination of both are used to tell whether each of the five components are present and functioning
*findings are evaluated and deficiencies are communicated in a timely manner with serious matter reported to senior management and to the board
Audit Risk Model
*in applying model auditor must assess control risk
Substantive Strategy
The auditor does not rely on controls and control risk is set high because
-Controls do not pertain to an assertion
-Controls are assessed as ineffective
-Testing the effectiveness of controls is inefficient
Requires more substantive testing to support assertion