Chapter 6: fallacies Flashcards
¬ intentional or unintentional errors in reasoning. Often psychologically persuasive since they mimic successful approaches to argumentation and fool people experienced in critical thinking.
o People commit fallacies because they are bad arguers or deliberately to accept people to accept a conclusion
Types of fallacies
o Can divide fallacies according to three criteria of the S-Test. Some fallacies usually affect the satisfactoriness of an argument’s premises, others undermine the support that those premises grant to the conclusion or the sufficiency of that support.
-fallacies associated with satisfactoriness, support, and sufficiency
List fallacies associated with satisfactoriness
- Amphiboly
- begging the question
- equivocation
- false dilemma
- improper appeal to authority
- inconsistency
- straw person argument
Amphiboly (satisfactoriness)
o the structure of a sentence allows two different interpretations
♣ Problem: can create situations in which people interpret the same claim differently.
Begging the question (satisfactoriness)
o the truth of the conclusion is already assumed in the premise
♣ Problem: in order to consider the premise of an argument satisfactory, one has to have already accepted its conclusion.
Equivocation (satisfactoriness)
o Fallacy in which the same term is used with two different meanings, but the argument treats both meanings as if they were the same.
♣ Problem: arguments can be fallacious if they use the same words without proper continuity of meaning.
False dilemma (satisfactoriness)
o only two choices are given when in fact there are more options
♣ Problem: in most situations, there are more than two options available
Improper appeal to authority (satisfactoriness)
o the authority that provides support for the conclusion is either not an expert in the relevant area, or is not honest and reliable, or is not in agreement with other experts in this area, or the area is not something that one can be an authority about.
♣ Problem in example: the fact that a person is an authority is one area does not make that individual an authority in others.
Inconsistency (satisfactoriness)
o An argument in which contrary or contradictory statements are asserted to be true at the same time.
♣ Problem with example: two statements cannot both be true at the same time, so at least one of the argument’s premises must be false.
Straw person argument (satisfactoriness)
o the arguer reconstructs an opponent’s argument as something weaker than it actually is, then attacks that weaker version of the argument
♣ Problem: this type of fallacy gets its name from the idea that you can knock down a straw figure more easily than a real person. Similarly, it’s easier to knock down an artificial argument than a real one.
♣ This fallacy is common in political debates or happens accidentally when an arguer doesn’t quite understand what another arguer is claiming
List fallacies associated with support
-abusive ad hominem
-ad hominem tu quoque
-affirming the consequent
-appeal to force
-appeal to pity
-appeal to popularity
-appeal to tradition
-circumstantial ad hominem
-denying the antecedent
guilty by association
-red herring
-two wrongs make a right
abusive ad hominem (support)
o meaning “to the person”. An individual’s character is attacked, rather than his or her argument
ad hominem tu quoque (support)
o means “you too!”. An argument in rejected because the arguer does not act in accordance with his or her own conclusion
♣ Problem with example: that the person doesn’t listen to his or her own argument doesn’t entail that it’s a bad argument
affirming the consequent (support)
o This argument takes the form: If A, then b B\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Therefore, A ♣ This argument form is always invalid. ♣ Problem from ex: if A is true, it doesn’t tell us what we can know if B is true.
appeal to force (support)
o This is an attempt to persuade through threat of harm.
♣ Problem: threats to a person’s economic, physical, or psychological well-being can be quite intimidating, but are irrelevant to whether the claims made by the arguer are true.