Chapter 6 Evaluation Flashcards
What is an interaction?
An interaction is an action where one object is performing an action on another object while the second object performs one on the first object.
Example: If you lean on a table, the table is pushing you up and you are pushing it down.
What are the effects an action can have on an object?
Effects an action can have on an object:
- Modifying its form
- Modifying its tragectoire
- Modifying its speed
- Make it move “le mettre en mouvement”
What is the action the Earth performs on everyone?
The action the Earth performs on every object with a masse (commonly known as gravity)
is called “l’interaction gravitationelle” in French.
Explain/Describe a Diagramme Object-Interaction
A diagramme Object-Interaction has:
- The “objet au quelle on s’interesse, aussi appeller le systeme
- Un action à distance (exemple: La Terre) dans un cercle, relier a l’objet avec une double fleche pointé
- Un action de contacte dans un autre cercle, relier a l’objet avec une double fleche
Le nombre d’actions mechaniques (à distance ou de contacte) depend des actions surposer sur l’objet
What are “actions mechaniques”?
An “action mechanique” is an action surposer sur un objet. Ca peut etre à distance (exemple: la Terre) ou de contacte.
What is an authur of an interaction?
What is a receveur of an interaction?
The authur of the interaction is the object that starts the action. The receveur is the one that recieves the action and sort of “pushes back”.
For example: a hand leans on a table; the hand is the authur and the table is a receveur.
What are the effects an action can have on an object?
Effects an action can have on an object:
- Modifying its form
- Modifying its tragectoire
- Modifying its speed
- Make it move “le mettre en mouvement