Chapter 6: Etruscan and Roman Art Flashcards
The Ficoroni Cista
Novios Plautios
(Roman Art)
350-300 BCE
Porta Augusta
Perugia, Italy (Roman Art)
3rd to 2nd Century BCE
Model of an Etruscan Temple
(Roman Art)
Plan on an Etruscan Temple
(Roman Art)
Apulu (Apollo)
Master Sculptor Vulca?
Temple of Minerva, Portonaccio, Veii
(Roman Art)
510-500 BCE
Painted Terracotta
Boys Climbing Rocks and Diving, Tomb of Hunting and Fishing
Tarquinia, Italy (Roman Art)
6th Century BCE
Dancers and Diners, Tomb of the Triclinium
Tarquinia, Italy (Roman Art)
480-470 BCE
Burial Chamber, Tomb of the Reliefs
Cerveteri, Italy (Roman Art)
3rd Century BCE
Reclining Couple on a Sarchophagus
Cerveteri, Italy (roman Art)
520 BCE
Married Couple (Larth Tetnies and Thanchvil Tarnai) Embracing
(Roman Art)
350-300 BCE
Head of a Man (Traditionally known as Brutus)
(Roman Art)
300 BCE
Bronze, eyes of painted ivory
Capitoline She-wolf
(Roman Art)
500 BCE or 800 CE? boys underneath 15th century CE
Portrait Head of an Elder From Scoppito
(Roman Art)
1st Century BCE
Aulus Metellus (The Orator)
Perugia, Italy (Roman Art)
80 BCE
Denarius with Portrait of Julius Caesar
(Roman Art)
44 BCE
Patrician Carrying Portrait Busts of Two Ancestors (Known as the Barberini Togatus)
(Roman Art)
end of 1st Century BCE or beginning of 1st Century CE
Pont du Gard
Nimes, France (Roman Art)
late 1st Century BCE
Plan and Exterior View of a Temple Perhaps Dedicated to Portunus
Forum Boarium (Cattle Market), Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
Late 2nd Century BCE
Augustus of Primaporta
(Roman Art)
early 1st century CE perhaps a copy of a bronze statue 20CE
Marble painted in color
Ara Pacis Augustae
Rome,Italy (Roman Art)
13-9 BCE
Reconstruction Drawing of the Ara Pacis Augustae
Rome,Italy (Roman Art)
13-9 BCE
An Imperial Procession
South Side of the Ara Pacis Augustae
Rome,Italy (Roman Art)
13-9 BCE
Gemma Augustae
(Roman Art)
early 1st Century CE
Aerial View of the Ruins of Pompeii
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
Drawing of Central Pompeii in its Current State
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
Plan and Reconstruction Drawing of the House of the Silver Wedding
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
1st Century CE
Paris Style Garden House of the Vettii
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
62-79 CE
Plan of the House of the Vettii
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
62-79 CE
Wall Painting in the Ixion Room House of the Vettii
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
62-79 CE
Initiation Rites of the Cult of Bacchus, Villa of the Mysteries
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
60-50 BCE
Wall Painting
Cityscape House of Publius, Fannius, Synistor
Boscoreale, Italy (Roman Art)
15-30 BCE
Wall Painting
Garden Vista Villa of Livia at Primaporta
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
late 1st Century BCE
A Painter at Work
House of the Surgeon
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
1st BCE-1st Century CE
Still Life House of the Stags (Cervi)
Herculaneum, Italy (Roman Art)
before 79 CE
Wall Painting
Portrait of a Married Couple
Pompeii, Italy (Roman Art)
mid 1st century CE
Wall Painting
Arch of Titus
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
81 CE
Concrete and White Marble
Spoils from the Temple in Jerusalem
Arch of Titus
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
81 CE
Concrete and White Marble
Reconstruction Drawing of the Flavian Ampitheater (Colosseum)
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
70-80 CE
Outer Wall of the Flavian Ampitheater (Colosseum)
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
70-80 CE
Young Flavian Woman
(Roman Art)
90 CE
Middle Aged Flavian Woman
(Roman Art)
late 1st century CE
Model of Imperial Rome From Circa 324 CE
(Roman Art)
Plan of Trajam’s Forum and Market
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
110-113 CE
Restored Perspective View of the Central Hall Basilica Ulpia
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
112 CE
Reconstruction Drawing of Trajam’s Market
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
100-112 CE
Main Hall, Trajam’s Market
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
100-112 CE
Column of Trajam
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
113-116 CE
Romans Crossing the Danube and Building a Fort
Column of Trajam
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
113-116 CE
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
110-128 CE
Reconstruction Drawing of the Pantheon
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
110-128 CE
Plan of the Pantheon
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
110-128 CE
Interior of the Pantheon Looking Up Into the Dome
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
110-128 CE
Plan of Hadrian’s Vila
Tivoli, Italy (Roman Art)
125-135 CE
The Canal (Reflecting Pool), Hadrian’s Villa
Tivoli, italy (Roman Art)
125-135 CE
Battle of Centaurs and Wild Beasts
Hadrian’s Villa
Tivoli, Italy (Roman Art)
125-135 CE
The Unswept Floor
(Roman Art)
Mosaic of a 2nd century BCE painting by Sosos of Pergamon 2nd century CE
Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius
(Roman Art)
176 CE
Bronze (originally gilded)
Commodus as Hercules
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
191-192 CE
Sarcophagus with the Indian Triumph of Dionysus
(Roman Art)
190 CE
(Roman Art)
early 3rd Century CE
Aerial View of the Baths of Caracalla
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
211-217 CE
Plan of the Baths of Caracalla
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
211-217 CE
Portrait of a Tetrach (Galerius?)
(Roman Art)
early 4th Century CE
The Tetrachs
(Roman Art)
300 CE
Exterior of the Audience Hall of Constantius Chlorus (Now known as the Basilica)
Trier, Germany (Roman Art)
early 4th Century CE
Interior of the Audience Hall of Constantius Chlorus (Now known ad the Bascilica)
Trier, Germany (Roman Art)
early 4th Century CE
Arch of Constantine
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
312-315 CE
Hadrian/Constantine Hunting Boar and Sacrificing to Apollo: Constantine Addressing the Roman People in the Roman Forum
Arch of Constantine
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
312-315 CE
View of the Remains of the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (Basilica Nova)
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
306-313 CE
Reconstruction Drawing and Plan of the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (Basilica Nova)
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
306-313 CE
Constantine the Great
Rome, Italy (Roman Art)
325-326 CE
England (roman Art)
mid 4th Century CE
Priestess of Bacchus
(Roman Art)
390-401 CE