Chapter 6: Equilibrium Flashcards
What is the medical condition DKA? What will be a primary symptom of a patient with DKA? How does this relate to chemical equilibrium?
DKA refers to diabetic ketoacidosis. A patient with DKA, among other things, will have rapid shallow breathing. Their body is trying to rid itself of CO2 to compensate for metabolic acidosis. Reducing CO2 concentrations in the blood shifts the bicarbonate buffer system to the left, increasing pH (decreasing acidity).
What is the difference between chemical equilibrium expression (Keq) and the rate expression?
A chemical equilibrium expression represents the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium, indicating the relative amounts of each species when a reaction has reached stability, while a rate expression describes the change in concentration of a reactant or product over time, showing how fast a reaction is proceeding at a given moment.
In equilibrium expressions, the exponents are equal to the coefficient in the balanced equation.
In rate laws, the exponent must be determined experimentally, and often do not equal the stoichiometric coefficients.
What is an irreversible reaction? Reversible?
Any irreversible reaction proceed in one direction only, the reaction goes to completion, and the maximum amount of product form is determined by the amount of limiting reagent initially present.
Reversible reactions are those in which the reactions can proceed in one of two ways: forward, or to the right toward the products, and reverse, or to the left toward the reactants.
What is dynamic equilibrium? What static equilibrium?
In a dynamic equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions are still occurring, but they are going at the same rate; thus, there is no net change in the concentration of the products or reactants. That is great doodle and food doodle doodle doodle. Do you want food?
In static equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions have stopped.
What is entropy? What are the units of entropy?
Entropy is the measure of the distribution of energy throughout a system or between a system and its environment. Entropy is also a measure of the disorder of a system.
For a reversible reaction at a given temperature, when will the reaction reach equilibrium regarding entropy and Gibbs free energy?
For a reversible reaction at a given temperature, the reaction will reach equilibrium when the systems entropy is at a maximum and Gibbs free energy of the system is at a minimum.
At equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction, entropy is at a maximum, and Gibbs free energy is at a minimum. This links the concepts of thermodynamics and kinetics.
What is the law of mass action?
For a generic reversible reaction, shown in the image, the law of mass action states that if the system is at equilibrium at a constant temperature than the following ratio is constant:
Derive the concept of Keq using rates of a forward and reverse reaction using the equation in the image. You won’t need to do this for the MCAT, but this is important for understanding and distinguishing rates and equilibriums. (Hint, use rate forward and rate reverse)
What is the expression for the equilibrium constant for the following reaction?
Describe the reaction quotient, Q.
Depending on the actual rates of the forward and reverse reactions, equilibrium might be achieved in microseconds or millennia. The reaction quotient serves as sort of a timer to indicate how far the reaction has proceeded towards equilibrium. The reaction quotient (Q) in reference to the equilibrium constant (Keq) will allow us to determine how a reaction will proceed, using a ratio of concentrations of products and reactions.
Knowing what the reaction quotient, Q, is, describe a reaction when Q is less than Keq, a reaction when Q is equal to Keq, and reaction when Q is great greater than Keq. Also, in terms of Delta G.
Describe a Gibbs Free energy versus reaction quotient graph. Describe what happens to Keq and deltaG when Q is less than, equal to, and greater, than Keq.
When Q < Keq, delta Gforward is less than zero, reaction proceeds forward.
When Q = Keq, deltaG = 0, equilibrium has been reached.
When Q > Keq, delta Greverse is less than zero, reaction proceeds reverse.
Do concentrations of pure solids and pure liquids appear in the equilibrium constant expression?
Concentrations of pure, solid solids and pure liquids do not appear in the equilibrium, constant expression. This is because the equilibrium expression is technically based on the activities of compounds, not concentrations. The activities of pure solids and liquids are defined to be 1.
For the purposes of the MCAT, there is a negligible difference between concentration and activity. Just remember that the activities of pure solids and liquids are defined to be 1, and therefore do not appear in the equilibrium constant expression.
Is the equilibrium constant temperature dependent?
The equilibrium constant (Keq) is characteristic of a particular reaction at a given temperature; therefore the equilibrium constant is temperature dependent.
What does a very large value of Keq indicate?
The larger the value of Keq, the farther to the right the equilibrium position.
If the equilibrium constant for a reaction written in one direction is Keq, how was the equilibrium constant written for the reverse reaction?
If the equilibrium constant for a reaction written in one direction is Keq, the equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is 1/Keq.
There are four characteristics of the law of mass action and equilibrium constant expressions. What are they?
The concentrations of pure solids and pure liquids do not appear in the equilibrium constant expression as the activities of pure solids and liquids are defined to be 1.
Keq is temperature dependent.
The larger the value of Keq, the farther to the right the equilibrium position.
If the equilibrium constant for a reaction written in one direction is Keq, the equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is 1/Keq.
When Keq equals one, what does that mean?
When Keq equals one, the concentrations of the products and reactants are equal.
When you take the square root of an exponent, how do you calculate that by hand? Provide an example.
When you take the square root of an exponent, divide the exponent in half. For example:
What does it mean for a reaction when Keq has a large positive exponent, what does it mean for a reaction when Keq has a large negative exponent? How could this be helpful for calculating equilibrium concentrations of a given product or reactant?
When Keq is very large (large positive exponent), that means the reaction strongly favors the products and will have less reactant than products equilibrium.
When Keq is very small (large negative exponent), that means the reaction strongly favors the reactants and will have less products than reactants at equilibrium.
This can be useful because a large positive exponent indicates a reaction that goes almost to completion, and a large negative exponent indicates the amount that has reacted can be considered negligible compared to the amount of reactants that remains.
Considering the following reaction in the book:
Solve for the concentration of product (x).
If X amount of a is reacted, X amount of C and X amount of B have been produced at equilibrium, and the equilibrium concentration of A will be [1-x] M.
We can see that Keq is a very small number and can approximate that very little reactants have reacted considering that x is negligible.
3 moles of N2O4 is placed in a 0.5L container and allowed to reach equilibrium according to the following reaction. What is the equilibrium concentration of NO2, given Keq for the reaction is 6x10-6?
I need to figure out where they get 2x^2 in the products in the Keq formula. 2 moles of NO2 explains the exponent of 2. But where does the multiplication of 2 come from?
Given the following, determine the direction of the reaction and deltaG.
Write the equilibrium constant expression for the following reactions.