Chapter 6 - Done Flashcards
What is a market?
A group of people, who as individuals or as organisations have needs for products in a product class and have the ability, willingness and authority to purchase such products
What is a consumer market?
Purchasers and household members who intend to consume or benefit from the purchased products and do not purchase products to make profits
What is a business market?
Individuals or groups that purchase a specific kind of product for resale, direct use in producing other products or use in general daily operations
What is market segmentation?
The process of dividing a total market into meaningful groups with relatively small product needs and wants
What is a homogeneous market?
A market in which a large proportion of customers are considered to have similar needs and wants
What is a heterogeneous market?
Markets made up of individuals or organisations with diverse needs for products in a specific product class
What is a market segment?
Individuals, groups or organisations with one or more similar characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs
What are the conditions to be met for market segmentation?
- Customer needs must be heterogeneous
- Segments must be identifiable and divisible
- Market segments must be comparable
- At least one segment needs to be worth it
- Company must be able to reach a market segment with a given marketing mix
What are segmentation variables?
The characteristics of individuals, groups or organisations used to divide a market into segments
What are the four characteristics of variables that are often used in segmentation?
Demographic - age, gender, income, education and ethnicity
Geographic - national boundaries, regional districts or even suburban postcode, market density, climate
Psychographic - Motives, lifestyle segments
Behaviouristic - Benefit segmentation
What are some of the variables that can be used to segment business markets?
Geographic location
Type of organisation
Customer size
Product use
What is the target market selection process
- Identify the appropriate targeting strategy
- Determine which segmentation variables to choose
- Develop market segmentation profiles
- Evaluate relevant market segments
- Select specific target markets
What are the different targeting strategies?
What is an undifferentiated targeting strategy?
A strategy in which an organisation designs a single marketing mix and directs this strategy at the entire market for a particular product
What is a differentiated targeting strategy?
A strategy where an organisation targets two or more segments by developing a marketing mix for each segment