Chapter 6 Critical Approaches Flashcards
Frames of reference dominate each organizational paradigm; Unitary
Emphasis on common goals.
- Conflict is destructive and non-productive
- Classical, human relations, human resources
Frames of reference dominate each organizational paradigm; Pluralist
Emphasis on divergent groups.
- Conflict is normal
- System, cultural
Frames of reference dominate each organizational paradigm; Radical
Emphasis on struggle between opposing forces for incompatible goals
Purpose of organizational research -
Classical, human relations, and human resources:
increased organizational efficiency
Purpose of organizational research -
Systems and cultural:
Understand and/or explain organizational dynamics
Purpose of organizational research -
Radical (critical):
Active role in changing organizational dynamics caused by inequalities in power
Roots in work of Karl Marx: repression of workers by those that control modes and means of production
Modes: economic conditions that underlie production processes (capitalism)
Means: actual work processes: dehumanization, alienation
All critical theorists agree:
Societal forces and structures create imbalance of power
Imbalance of power lead to oppression
Explore and reveal imbalances to free the oppressed
Key element of critical theory is power - Traditional:
Resources, status
Key element of critical theory is power - Symbological (interpretive):
Control of communication, symbols, relationships
Key element of critical theory is power -
“deep structures” (which conflict with surface structures) produce and maintain organizational power relationships through economic, social and communicative processes
Deep Structure
Unquestioned (and unquestionable) beliefs, values and assumptions of “how things really are” upon which the taken for granted surface structure rests
Happens below our awareness
Control of discourse:
Organizational reality is socially created through discourse.
Becomes the “site of domination”: control of discourse is control of power
Words: “real job,” “accident”
Narratives: “bottom line” thinking, heroes
Ideology is shaped by processes of control
“Taken for granted assumptions” that influence organizational “reality”
-What exists? What is good, possible?
Leads to “hegemony”: process in which dominant groups get subservient groups to accept the power imbalances as “normal”
-Workers become complicit in their own domination
freedom from the ideologies, identity issues, assumptions, power relations, etc.
Role of the critical theorist
is to reveal the “reality” to the oppressed so they can free themselves from the oppression
-Discussion of control and power; ability of all to participate in decisions
Theory of Concertive Control:
new power relationships emerging from team-based organizations.
Three concepts of “Theory of Concertive Control”:
Control: new form: rules and norms created by teams
Not bureaucratic-created rules and hierarchical structures
Identification: group affiliation (who do we define ourselves as?). These affect “norms”
Discipline: how groups act to maintain conformity (not management)
Ideology of management -
Is upheld through the everyday practices of members.
Feminist theories:
Gender issues permeate organizational life
Feminist theories- Organizations are inherently patriarchal:
- Logic, aggression, and competitiveness are male characteristics
- Cooperation, emotion, sympathy, intuition, etc. are downplayed or seen as weak
Feminist theories - Suggest that even organizational theorists tend to be male-biased
Therefore, females are marginalized
Approaches to feminist studies - Liberal feminism:
Work within the systems to gain equality.
Approaches to feminist studies - Radical feminism:
Freedom requires destruction of the male-oriented systems
Approaches to feminist studies - Standpoint feminists:
Those at the margins have a more accurate view of reality
Approaches to feminist studies -
Postmodern feminists:
Deconstruct male-dominated meaning systems