Chapter 6: Communicating With Hams Flashcards
What is a band plan, beyond the privileges established by the FCC
Voluntary agreements designed for normal conditions
What term describes an amateur station that is transmitting and receiving on the same frequency?
Where may SSB phone be used in amateur bands above 50MHz?
Every amateur band from 50MHz and up has frequencies available for CW and SSB operation
What is an appropriate way to call another station on a repeater if you know the other station’s call sign?
Say the other station’s call sign once, followed by “this is” or “from”, then give your call sign
(Ex: N0Ax this is WA7KYI)
What brief statement indicates that you are listening on a repeater and looking for a contact?
Give your call sign
EX: W1AW is monitoring
What might be a problem if you receive a report that your audio signal through the repeater is distorted or unintelligible?
You could be transmitting from a bad location where signal is distorted at the repeater input. Weak or low batteries can also cause distorted audio.
What is the national calling frequency for FM simplex operations in the 2 meter band?
146.52 MHz
What is the most common use of the “reverse split” function of a VHF/UHF transceiver?
Reverse split function swaps transmit and receive frequencies. Enabling you to listen for the other station on the repeater’s input frequency.
If a station is not strong enough to keep a repeater’s receiver squelch open, what action might allow you to receive the station’s signal?
Listening on the repeater’s input frequency
Why are simplex channels designated in the VHF/UHF band plans?
Avoid occupying or “tying up” a repeater
How should you respond to a station calling CQ?
Give the CQing station’s call sign once, then yours once or twice. Give you call clearly and distinctly so that they can understand it if there is noise or interference.
What is the meaning of the procedural signal “CQ”?
CQ means “I am calling any station”
What is a guideline when choosing an operating frequency for calling CQ?
Three things:
- Be sure the frequency is one your license privileges authorizes you to use.
- Listen to be sure the freq is not already in use.
- Make a short transmission asking if the freq is in use.
Which Q signal indicates that you are receiving interference from other stations?
QRM - Your transmission is being interfered with
1. Nil; 2. Slightly; 3. Moderately; 4. Severely; 5. Extremely
Which Q signal indicates that you are changing frequency?
QSY - Change to transmission on another frequency
What operating activity involves contacting as many stations as possible during a specific period?
Radio contests
What is a good procedures when contacting another station in a radio contest?
Send only minimum information need to identify you station and complete the exchange.
What is a grid locator?
Earth’s surface is divided into a system of rectangles based on latitude and longitude. Each rectangle is identified with a combination of letters and numbers.
What type of transmission is indicated by the term “NTSC”?
National Television System Committee - fast scan color television signals are the same as analog broadcast TV signals.
What ham activity is used to locate sources of noise interference or jamming?
Fox hunting
Which equipment would be useful for a hidden transmitter hunt?
A handheld or portable directional antenna, such as a small Yagi beam; and a portable radio with a strength indicator.
Name a use for the scanning function of an FM transceiver.
Use can use this feature to listen for activity on repeater or simplex channels.
Name a common repeater frequency offset in the 2 meter band.
+ or - 600 kHz
What is a common repeater frequency offset in the 70cm band?
+ or - 5 MHz
What is meant by “repeater offset”?
The difference between repeater input and output frequencies
Describe a linked repeater network
Repeaters can be linked to other repeaters. That is, they share the signals each receives and retransmit them.
What term describes the use of a sub-audible tone transmitted along with normal voice audio to open the squelch of a receiver?
Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS), PL (private line), or sub-audible. Also known as privacy codes.
Name a possible reason you are unable to access a repeater whose output you can hear.
You probably don’t have your radio set up to use the right type of frequency of access tone.
What type of tones are used to control repeaters linked by the Internet Relay Linking Project (IRLP) protocol?
Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF)
How can you join a digital repeater’s “talk group”?
By programming your radio with those IDs and codes
What is a “talk group” on a DMR digital repeater?
Talk groups allow groups of users to share a channel at different times without being heard by other users on the channel.
How is access to some IRLP nodes accomplished?
Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF)
What is meant by Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) as used in Amateur radio?
Online telephone service venders, such as Skype, use VoIP to deliver voice communications over the internet by digital techniques.
What is the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP)?
One of the oldest digitally linked systems. Both use VoIP to link repeaters.
How might you obtain a list of active nodes that use VoIP?
Nodes are listed in repeater directories, by subscribing to an online repeater listing service, or from online lists maintained by repeater coordinators.
What must be done before you may use the EchoLink system to communicate using a repeater?
Hams are required to send a copy of their license to the EchoLink system administrators to be authorized to use the system.
Describe DMR (Digital Mobile Radio).
A technique for time-multiplexing two digital voice signals on a single 12.5 kHz repeater channel.
What is meant by the term “NCS” used in net operation?
Net Control Station, running the net; members of the net should always immediately suspend any lower priority operation and respond to emergency if necessary.
What does the term “traffic” refer to in net operation?
Messages following a set, formal structure.
Name an acceptable practice to get the immediate attention of a net control station when reporting an emergency.
Break in by saying: “Priority” or “Emergency” followed by call sign.
What is an acceptable practice for an amateur operator who has checked into a net?
Do not transmit unless you are specifically requested or authorized to do so or a request is made for capabilities or information that you can provide.
What should be done when using voice modes to ensure that voice messages containing unusual words are received correctly?
Spelled out using phonetics.
What is a characteristic of good traffic handling?
The accurate relaying of messages exactly as written, spoken or received.
What information is contained in the preamble of a formal traffic message?
The preamble is made up of several bits of information about the message.
What is meant by the term “check”, in reference to a formal traffic message?
The number of words and word equivalents in the radiogram text.
Describe the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)?
Part of the Amateur service created by the FCC to provide communications assistance to local, state, or federal government emergency management agencies during civil emergencies.
What do RACES and ARES have in common?
Both organizations provide emergency and disaster response communications.
What is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)?
Consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service.
When do the FCC rules NOT apply to the operation of an amateur station?
Never, you are bound by FCC rules at all times, even if using your radio in support of a public safety agency.
Are amateur station control operators ever permitted to operate outside the frequency privileges of the license class?
In an emergency situation where there is immediate risk to life or property and normal forms of communication are not available.
Who may be the control operator of a station communicating through an amateur satellite or space station?
Contacts may be made by any amateur licensed to transmit on the uplink frequency.
What is the FCC Part 97 definition of a “space station”?
Defined by the FCC as an amateur station located more than 50km above the Earth’s surface.
What is a satellite beacon?
A signal from the satellite containing information about a satellite
With regard to satellite communications, what is Doppler shift?
A shift in a signal’s frequency due to relative motion between the satellite and the Earth station.
What causes spin fading of satellite signals?
Signal fading caused by rotation of the satellite and its antennas
What do the initials LEO tell you about an amateur satellite?
Low Earth Orbit.
What is provided by satellite tracking programs?
Satellite location, the trajectory the satellite will follow across the sky, and even the amount of Doppler shift the signals will experience.
Name an input to a satellite tracking program.
Keplerian elements
What telemetry information is typically transmitted by satellite beacons?
Information on health and status of the satellite.
What is the impact of using too much effective radiated power on a satellite uplink?
Always use the minimum amount of transmitted power to contact satellites, since their relay transmitter power is limited by their solar panels and batteries.
What mode of transmission is used by amateur radio satellites?
Most common modes are SSB, FM, CW, and data.
What is meant by the statement that a satellite is operating in mode U/V?
Satellite operational mode is specified as two letters separated by a slash. The first letter indicates the uplink band and the second letter indicates the downlink band. (U/V has uplink as UHF band and downlink is VHF band)
Who may receive telemetry from a space station?
Anyone! Hurrah!
What is a good way to judge whether your uplink power is entirely too low nor too high?
If your signal on the satellite downlink is about the same strength as that of the satellite’s beacon, you’re using the right amount of power.